Anora Zbornak

I come from Virginia, land of many inappropriate plates:

The sun just broke through the clouds here in Seattle, and enough of a weight was lifted from me that I got off the couch and put a chicken in the crock-pot.

I am bathing in the glory that is Paul Ryan’s failure today. He is trying so hard to push through his “fuck the poor, make the rich richer” plan that he loves more than anything else in this world. He has everything he should need to make it happen. And it just. isn’t. working. And now he is tied to the flaming

I honestly don’t know, but I’m going to take today to enjoy 45's massive failure. Which I made sure to tweet to him and Ryan. 

This is the first time I’ve genuinely smiled since you know when, so . . . .

Pregnancy, labor and delivery can all kill women. Oh, and the fetus too. Because if “mom” dies, so does “baby”.

It may not be the best thing that ever happened.

I’ve been thinking about it because of this case (a group of kids suing the government because of the diminished opportunities they will have in their lives due to climate change).

A friend of mine on FB said she was going to incorporate her uterus so it would have rights. I was trying to figure out if this is actually viable, haha.

he would say yes

“abortion offends God, plain and simple”

This will be struck down as unconstitutional and is simply a waste of time and money. It does however show what horrible women hating forced birth douche bags most republicans are. This bill is horrible, are they going to pay for all the treatments for these children? Or increase welfare programs? Nope. Also God?

Why oh why oh why didn’t someone just ask him straight out to claim that abortion is worse than rape?

“Sentient Breadstick” was my old stripper name.

As a Canadian watching from afar, I still don’t understand why people are bringing religion into this. The US is where people say “separation of church and state”, right? That’s a thing you supposedly have? Am I taking crazy pills?

Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.

Like couldnt we bring like a lawsuit against them for endangering the public at the very least?

I genuinely do not understand how Infowars hasn’t been sued for libel. It seems to me like Cosmo Pizza (I think that’s the right name; the pizzagate pizza place) would have a pretty open and cut case since they suffered damages and there is no way Infowars can credibly claim they reasonably believed what he was saying

Viagra and prostate cancer.

He’s a big asshole. Even if he wasn’t against abortion, the frozen trucker case reveals a lot about him.