Anora Zbornak

They’re fucking wives, girlfriends, mistresses, and sex workers without any thought to pregnancy (a luxury they don’t want the woman they’re fucking to have). If an accidental pregnancy results, they pull a Scott DesJarlais (anti abortion legislator who knocked up a patient and encouraged her to abort).

Women. Don’t. Create. Babies. By. Themselves.

Then I don’t want to pay for those assholes’ boner pills and aging prostates anymore.

It also occurs to me that I, as a woman, receive no benefit from employing these chucklefucks who “govern” us. So, I shouldn’t have to pay the federal taxes that fund their salaries. Fair’s fair, jerks.

I live in NY and have been saved by people standing or sitting near me from dudes who just wouldn’t take a hint. Thank god fur eavesdroppers. Also, I think she’s using “eavesdropping” as a quick way to say they were close enough to overhear a public conversation. Guys just don’t understand that women are between a

Seriously. Why the fuck do I have to pay for his testicular cancer screenings? Why do I have to pay for anything that doesn’t affect me directly? I pave my own roads and teach my own schools and put out my own fires too! I AM AN ISLAND AND MY ISLAND HAS NO MAN-PARTS.

If you wanted to go to law school with a kid, you should have been born a man like God intended.

Again, NO ONE INTERVENED ON HER BEHALF. And it’s fucking pathetic that you think harassment is somehow different depending on where it takes place. I could have listed the gym, the lobby of my building, the grocery store, on public transit, or the myriad other locations where harassment has and does take place. Grow

I wouldn’t at all, actually. The assumption that someone might be listening is part and parcel of having a conversation in public. Stop projecting. You sound like someone that knows they’re a fucking creep and is now afraid to find out that people might be monitoring their behavior.

I hate them so much. They own every other corner of the internet and yet still come here. Godfuckingdammit I wish they’d go away and I wish all the other women on here would see how unnecessary and harmful it is to always engage with them and make other women have to read their bullshit by ungreying them. There’s

And yet here you are, attempting to serve as the arbiter of what level of social contact between the sexes is permitted. But it’s ok because you’re a dude and women should just stay home if they don’t want to be dazzled with your congenital brain damage, male pattern baldness and pathetic come-ons, am I right?

No I really don’t want to hear your excuses for why men get to be shitty sometimes. You’re being a dick here. Just because you’ve been a victim doesn’t give you permission to shit on someone dealing with something you yourself know isn’t easy to turn off.

What are you saying? That only your experiences of trauma are valid and other rape survivors just need to shut up lest they sound “instructional”? Because that’s what the tone of your comment sounds like to me.

Typical fucking cop mentality.

Omg yes!!!! Wtf.

Even with men I know who earnestly want to learn and be some ways they simply can’t get it. It permeates everything.

Vigilance is not enough.

Y’all, the fragile rape-apologists have already shown up in the comments. Dismiss, dismiss, dismiss...

Viligence is not rewarded; only it’s absence is punished.