With this election, I’m already there. Full-on manhater.
With this election, I’m already there. Full-on manhater.
How can men get more pathetic? News at 11 (Well, actually the news starts at 11:05) Shut up!!
That’s bullshit. I don’t have to have ever met a black person in my life to know that they deserve rights equal to any other person, and you shouldn’t have to meet or love a woman to know women are worthy of respect and rights. It is an extremely common thing for people (not just men to say), “What if it was your…
why are guys like this? i swear, i’m a couple of years away from genuinely hating them. think the ID channel will hasten the timeline even further
“Hey Grandpa Dave, Black women fucking exist. Thanks.”
See, I’d say it’s the other way around. Comedy isn’t for conservatives, because far too often their idea of “funny” is to simply point to a member of a fringe social group and say, “Hey! Isn’t it so crazy that people live like that?!?!?!?!?!!!1!” They think that a guy dressed up like a woman is so inherently hilarious…
Yes Jerry, I think you’re right— but this being a blog, I suppose these writers each have their personal thresholds that end in personal places, about what they will-or-won’t accept in this-or-that Problematic Celebrity[tm]. I’m not keen to guess why Rich is bending over backwards for Chappelle today (don’t care…
Right, but that framing still relies on the faulty idea that someone would ever need to rape in order to do good. As if that were just the price to be paid to save lives. Instead, the Cosby drama is about how someone used the privilege their good works earned them in order to violently assault countless vulnerable…
Oof, this is tricky. It’s likely that Chappelle was making funny and subversive comments. That it was punching up towards abusers, not down on victims. But here’s the thing that makes me relate a little to the woman who got upset. Seeing a room full of people, many men, laughing at rape jokes (even intelligent rape…
I think what you are noticing is that the trend in comedy now is towards “punching up” rather than punching down, as well as becoming more inclusive. People making offensive jokes are hopefully still learning and working through understanding today’s issues, and audiences don’t have time for that. They need to get up…
Whaaaat. Are you really trying to say that conservatives have a sense of humor and progressives don’t? Come on, now.
Sigh. What a horrible take.
Dear self-proclaimed male feminists: STOP fucking saying that you know women deserve rights and you know this because of how much you love your wife\mother\daughter\girlfriend\sister\whatever.
How do you surmise this? What modern progressives are you referring to exactly? Comedy is not above criticism. It’s totally possible, and I know this is a difficult concept for some, to enjoy something and acknowledge that it might be problematic. And there’s still plenty of non sexist and racist comedy! Aziz, Ali…
she screamed out to me, “Women suffer.” I said, “I know.”
I think it’s the awkwardly sized jacket. And, I saw a recent pic of him and it looked he had been working out a lot (compared to when he was in the spotlight with Chappelle’s Show). And it gave me a Carrot Top vibe.
TW transmisogyny
What the fuck is wrong with her? What does she think? Does she think that I don’t know that rape is wrong?
That picture of these ladies sitting with the guards around them is fucking history-making right there. I hope in a hundred years’ time it’s brought up in reflection of the folly of man, and not as a reminder of where it all went to shit.