Anora Zbornak

This drives me crazy. Our good friends have a son with SMA. He skypes in to class and goes in a few days a month to the classroom.

It has something of the weird folie a deux vibe of the awful Parker/Hulme case depicted in the movie Heavenly Creatures—these kids were already broken, separately and individually, but turned into something not merely broken but lethal when they were together.

It’s disgusting to me how we routinely try children as adults.

One of my favorite scenes in TRAPPED was when a doctor read off the “abortion causes breast cancer” litany and immediately followed it with “they can make me say that, but they can’t prevent me from giving my medical opinion, and my medical opinion is there is not one shred of evidence that statement is true.”

Seriously. Every time someone mentions this I will post this gif. No shame. No apologies.

I’d like to gag this motherfucker.

Historically, I believe the answer to those questions is:

As a child-free woman I could NEVER get a straight answer from health teachers and abstinence advocates! Even in high school I was the PITA saying “Okay, but what about those of us who NEVER want kids?” Is it nunnery or GTFO?

Couldn’t the guy be an accomplice? It’s his baby too. And don’t forget aiding and abetting if you provided any post-abortion care.

Barely related: I haven’t commented in a really long time on here because I’ve been going through a really hellish past year and January.

I vote for “bringing on the menses.” They’re just stuck! We have to revive them with a pump! Seriously, these assholes aren’t doctors, they’ll take years to figure it out.

Lysistrata? Lysis-castrata.

But they can still provide information about shmashmortion.

Reading about this makes me sick to my stomach. Fuck any MAN who told me reproductive rights were a distraction issue. Go fuck yourselves with something rusty.

No, that is ridiculous. These men don’t sleep with their wives. That’s what prostitutes and mistresses are for!

A lot of these vile men would assault and rape their wives; then claim it is neither as they are property to them. This shit is repulsive. Having this colostomy bag in power needs to challenged legally and continuously, until he is formally impeached and imprisoned for treason against he US Constitution and his life

It gets reinstated and repealed every time the parties change power, so no shocker here (and especially with a VP like Pence).

I marched in Seattle, and I don’t give a big fat fuck what anyone is saying about it or asking me what will it cause. You know what it caused, happiness. It was lovely to be out with people of all ages, races, genders, reasons for being there, etc. It showed me that none of us are alone nor are we single issue people.

I don’t why I read Yahoo comments but why are white, conservative men so angry? Somehow, their lying eyes only so fat, ugly white women marching for “absolutely no reason.” Those libtards should get off welfare and get a job, then they wouldn’t have time to march. I don’t understand their logic. I thought they needed

I saw a meme complaining that all the signs about pussies and uteruses contributed to trans erasure. I read that piece of criticism as saying that cisgendered women shouldn’t stand up against sexual assault (highlighting Trump’s “pussy” comment) or reproductive rights (“uterus”) because trans women have it worse.