If he pointed to the sky and told me it was blue, I wouldn’t take his word for it.
If he pointed to the sky and told me it was blue, I wouldn’t take his word for it.
For perspective, in order to be in the top 5% of earning households within the United States, you’d need to make (combined or otherwise) $166,200.
These guys are made of 4/5ths neck-wattle.
Only your raised voices can defeat these demon fucks, America!
Yes, street protest is political action.
Christie wasn’t protesting anything. He shut down a bridge for revenge, which he should be indicted for. That is nothing like people protesting for their rights or the election of a man who is dangerous for much of the country.
There is no logic to your first sentence.
Yes, why engage in political action when you can just vote once a year instead?
They came to the protest because they oppose the systems that produced Trump. They smash symbols of those systems. They probably aren’t sorry if that offends pious liberals.
That is not the proper way to protest and display your rage and disgust.
Protests are not meant to be orderly, cordoned-off events. Yes, sometimes traffic gets blocked. Sometimes business gets disrupted. Don’t do that kind of thing to protest your favorite band breaking up, but protesting Cheetolini? Hell yes! MLK, modernity’s favorite protester now viewed with rose-colored glasses,…
I don’t know what they expected to happen. Of course the people are going to rebel against this sham of a presidency.
One concrete example of that hostility: a game store.
ive thought about it for a lot of minutes, hours, and days. melania is soulless. she likely worked illegally in this country, but was given a pass because she fucked a rich guy. she plagarized a speech given by michelle obama, a highly educated and fiercely intelligent woman. melania sees no irony in her wish to fight…
Wow... maybe they really were all out of dresses in DC?
i think that melania does herself no favors standing next to FLOTUS. the genuine warmth next to the steely coldness of excess botox and lack of a soul is very jarring.
Good times.
This reminds me of when that a-hole from Illinois tried to slide a burn about Tammy Duckworth’s parents and great-grandparents being from another country in during a debate and she burned him by simply saying nothing and allowing the awkwardness to settle in.