“This is my belief: there are two viable beings involved,” he said.
“This is my belief: there are two viable beings involved,” he said.
Can someone please, please pass a bill that requires any proposed law relating to medical procedures in any way be approved by a medical body? Laws relating to abortion would have to be signed off on by ACOG to verify that they are based on medically sound logic. Anything general-healthcare related (like the ACA, and…
I’m sure many of you already know this, but my comment has some sources that you can pass along if you need. I was always pro choice, but my wife made me aware of this particular argument, and it opened my eyes a lot. I want to give credit to her.
“temporarily embarrassed men”
The irony of this man’s existence versus his political beliefs is too fucking much to bear.
Ugh, why can’t people allow me to enjoy them/their things without being secretly awful.
Sexism is not a wrong perpetuated by men. It’s an institutional force that affects all of us. The fact that motherhood results in lower pay for women is sexism at work, as it reflects a system that values certain kinds of work over others, and accommodates people who have fewer family responsibilities (men) while…
Yes, showing up to make a blanket whine about echo chambers is going to save us all from ourselves. You’re a real hero, internet troll, and a valuable contribution to an honest question.
And Nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them, give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...
Must it be sexism by men in order to be considered? Society purports a vested interest in raising future generations; were maternity and paternity leaves equally allotted and paid; and were child care universal and affordable, it would not be one parent who might have to choose to leave his/her career stream in order…
Yes, but child rearing is part of the economic problem- this is a societally-necessary task that overwhelmingly affects women more than men, and women are not compensated for performing this work. This is why some countries have started to pay people to have children and stay home with them- women are reluctant to…
Really, white men? There’s nothing you want to know about yourselves? Like, why does all American mainstream male homosocial bonding require copious amounts of alcohol? Why being the default sex requires you to remain unconscious at all times, because even the tiniest inquiry into the absurd, ridiculous narrowness of…
I suppose I’d be mad too if my elected officials still fucked me over by locking away all the economic growth for them and theirs while my community crumbled and my friends and neighbors died because they lost their health insurance. There is of course a way to avoid that...but that means turning to pro gay, pro…
Why are conservative men so fucking fragile that the notion of discussing new ideas is viewed as a threat to their identity? I mean, if their conviction about their manhood is so easily undermined, you have to wonder about the strength of their convictions.
I’ve noticed this too. I’m a crybaby because I want equal rights. But they are not crybabies when they throw a fit over whether people say Happy Holidays? The logic. I don’t see it.