Anora Zbornak

I don’t call the police for anything, ever. Car’s been broken into? They won’t respond because the monetary value is less than $3000. My ex is sending me threats because I don’t want to keep his stuff forever? They’d probably side with him. Some guy follows me home from the bar? They take 30 minutes to show up, at

The real cowards are people like Dolan and the RNC who literally can’t deal with being criticised.

Hmmm....*files patent for using women as toilets*

I really wish the Texas legislature would pass a women’s privacy act that would keep themselves out of a woman’s uterus.

I appreciate that the chamber of commerce in Texas I saw against this, but I do think we shouldn’t be fighting these bills mainly on economic grounds. The problem inherent in that is that the economic effect that was so noticeable in places like North Carolina might have less effect in Texas, a state with a much

I understand the frustration you’re expressing here. Be careful though, this is the trap- apathy and lack of hope that plays into the hands of those in power. There are good people out there. We need to unite and work together. I don’t think the unification needed to move past all this bullshit has even come close to

My faith in a working government is approaching zero.

I mean, Putin probably wouldn’t hurt these kids.

He went one step further, inviting all children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to celebrate the New Year and the Russian Orthodox Christmas with him at the Kremlin.

I was unaware of his ongoing obsession with Bey. He has definitely talked about Kim like she’s a curated display within his life.

My nephew’s circumcision went very, very badly and now I understand what President-elect Trump has been dealing with all his life. It’s nice when we can relate to our celebrities through our personal experiences.

the two of them are made for each other because they are both talentless and pathetic!”

I was just talking last night about how when guys hit on me from their cars I plunge my finger up my nose and give them my grossest look. My defense is in grotesquerie.

It would be a drastically better world for women if famous men were the only ones who felt free to sexually assault women (and the only ones who could be almost guaranteed no consequences when they do). Men’s bodies are sacrosanct. Women’s bodies are public property.

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.

“Becoming ugly” is a gift if you can manage it. I get a lot of shit for it from the people who knew me when I was a very sweet, endlessly polite and appeasing 16 and seem to think that that’s who I still should be, but it’s worth it. I even get a little thrill of satisfaction when I say something harshly true or

This is fucking outstanding, you rock Madeleine.

You’ve accurately described the day to day humiliation of living inside a woman’s body. The good men are still trying to force us to believe we’ll be ok, which feels like an even greater assault than those actively assaulting us.

Great piece. Thank you.

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was