Figure out what you want if you don't already know. Don't want kids? Make that known. Don't want to stay in the city you're in and buy a house? Put those cards on the table early.
Figure out what you want if you don't already know. Don't want kids? Make that known. Don't want to stay in the city you're in and buy a house? Put those cards on the table early.
One place where blackheads seem to persist with age is inner thighs.
If I am in bed with a woman, and she has blackheads (and most women do, as do most men), I have to pluck them out. Anywhere on her body. I cannot help it. Seeing a blackhead on my partner is just intolerable to me. Amazingly, every woman I've been with was entirely cool with that. Reactions ranged from "if it floats…
This might sound horrific to you if you crave the absolute arbitration that video games can offer. In a video game, there is no grey area. No bumps. Every angle, movement and decision is calculated down to the smallest detail, and there are no grounds for mediation. You take the computer's ruling and you either like…
I just can't understand that level of blind, intentionally ignorant hubris.
The entire concept of proposing out of nowhere, let alone in public, is insane to me. Every married couple I know had discussed marriage for a long time before going through with it. None of them "proposed", rather "came to a mutual agreement".
Yes, judging from the coats this plane must be pretty chilly.
I like to say that Monsanto is the worst thing that ever happened to the science of genetic engineering.
"D&D is satanic" meme is still not quite dead, although I was lucky enough not to encounter it until mid-90's, when it was already dying out. Funny recent (as in within last 3 years) exchange:
No asynchronous multiplayer game that I know of. All fantasy MMORPG's ultimately trace their roots to D&D, and the one which comes closest is called, not surprisingly, Dungeons & Dragons Online:
That is a truly amazing teacher.
Long time ago I read about some ten-year old British boy who apparently was mad at the monarchy for some reason. He was caught trying to set fire to Buckingham Palace with matches.
Me: "Game of Thrones for a family audience? That sounds like a contradiction of terms."
I suspect that at least some people in US prisons do not believe in god, but lie about it. Most parole boards are composed of Christians, and they tend to look favorably onto prisoners who "found Christ" and "repent their sins". And probably see "denying god" as a mark of hardened sinner who ought to stay in prison.
Does this person consider himself/herself immoral? That would be a rational conclusion.
"I don't really believe in god, but I want my kids to have good christian values, so I'll make them go to church and I'll pretend I believe" is simply lazy parenting. Installing ethics in your children is hard work. Easier just to tell them that a boogieman will punish them is they misbehave. A variation on this theme…
Are you talking about biofuel from corn? Agree completely — it is utterly stupid. But what does that have to do with the article?
What credibility? It's a SPONSORED article. In other words, io9 only published it because anti-GMO fanatics paid io9 to publish it. io9 staff know perfectly well it is garbage.
Not sure about "rational" part, but some adult men have been known to kill and torture people for fun. Internet makes it easier to be a sociopath.
Since when is Michigan Florida?