Yup. You also send pictures of the ugly baby clothes to your friends with text describing them as if it were a fashion show.
Yup. You also send pictures of the ugly baby clothes to your friends with text describing them as if it were a fashion show.
don't be absurd that's only for bigots
Can I just say that, as a ‘direct aunt’ (and godmother), I once spent $150 on a dress for my niece when she was THREE. MONTHS. OLD. My sister told me that if I ever did anything like that again, she was going to burn the dress in front of me. After that, I was strictly Baby Gap.
Oh, that’s totally true; it does not apply to grandparents/close family/etc. because they won’t let it apply to them. I could stab myself in the neck and use the pressurized blood-spatter to spell out “no gifts necessary” on the sidewalk and then whisper, as they lean in close to catch my last words, “seriously, no…
This is the only proper way to deal with such a gift: take it with you on your next visit to their house, have your child play with it all the damn day, every damn day, so that your parents can truly appreciate exactly how amazing their gift is. Then accidentally leave said gift there, shoved waaaaay under a bed. And…
That would totally cut into my drinking budget. #childless4ever
It also works in a “FREE TIBET” context. Like, won’t somebody please free this poor baby from the clutches of its rude, ungrateful parents!
Uh, it's totally different. When you are paying out of pocket for a birthday party, you have no right to suggest what your child may need or like. It's only when someone else is paying for your wedding that you're allowed to demand that people pay you in particular gifts for the privilege of being invited to said…
Clothing with names is the #1 thing that prevents us for returning it or consigning it
“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”
This made me look up frye combat boots. Oh, my...
No salt or stock for the beans. No pepper
And you know, these are not people who think they should be paid $100k a year. They are not delusional enough to think a job at McDonalds should pay them enough to drive a BMW or buy Christian Louboutin shoes or jet off to an island. They're people who want to pay their rent. They want to pay for gas. They want to…
My son is a McDonalds employee. Let me tell you about some of his coworkers. The manager works three full time jobs managing three different McDonalds. He often sleeps in his car if he's closed one and doesn't have enough time to go home before he has to open the next one. There is a husband a wife team who cooks the…
Or the total insane process of it. Mounds of paperwork . Or applying and being just over the income limits and being denied benefits... (former public assistance worker here, I approved/denied benefits based on state/federal policy....)
"But these kinds of jobs are supposed to be for teenagers anyway!"
This study doesn't even include the government's biggest giveaway to low-wage employers, which is the Earned Income Tax Credit. It's something like a $65 billion subsidy to employers who pay a low wage. Not that I think it's a bad idea— just, for it not to be a subsidy, it needs to be combined with a high minimum…
So women who miscarry are being charged with murder, and this shit gets charged with “injury to a child...by omission?” after literally starving a living, breathing little boy to death? I hate this fucking country.
Seriously watch the first 5 minutes of that episode. It's pretty offensive, the whole episode deals with the prison industrial complex/rape but if you don't laugh in the first 5 minutes you're probably made of stone.
I agree, I can understand both sides of this too. I just wanted to bring up one point about why getting stranded overnight can be more than a minor inconvenience for people with medical issues: the airlines, the FAA, customs, etc all tell us not to take more medication with us than we will need for the exact duration…