It’s frustrating because there are organizations that want to be at these festivals with resources and pill testing kits and whatnot but they are disallowed because the organizers don’t want to look like they’re promoting drug use.
It’s frustrating because there are organizations that want to be at these festivals with resources and pill testing kits and whatnot but they are disallowed because the organizers don’t want to look like they’re promoting drug use.
Deaths from pure MDMA are rare (mostly from overheating, I believe). Deaths from who knows what Molly pill/powder are less rare.
I walked out to my Prius with a big dent in the passenger side door (I assume from a body) and the passenger side mirror hanging off (I assume from the body owner using the mirror to prevent a drunken fall). The passenger side was sidewalk adjacent so it wasn’t from being hit by a car. This video/article shed some…
Yep, and that’s what this place does. Or they show animals unsuitable for release. I’m just saying that there is a place for some zoos/aquariums if they are held to a high standard and that they aren’t all circuses.
Need the forklift? Need A-B? I’m pretty sure they don’t own Sea World anymore, for what it’s worth. But if you’re saying Sea World and this aquarium are different, yes, they are definitely different. I would think Sea World’s marine rescue team could find employment in other places if Sea World were to shut down. I’m…
So this is interesting to me as someone who was adopted as an infant. If my parents had done something terrible to me at 14, would the reporting and punishment gone this way? Or, is this written to imply she was adopted later and there was perhaps something sinister to the mom seeking an older child?
I mean, not all aquariums. I’m affiliated with one that is also an animal hospital for marine life, an aquaculture center, and oversees sea turtle patrol on a large portion of the Florida coast.
You do as a last resort if you can’t run or hide.
It’s sequential. Run if you can, hide if you can’t run, fight if you can’t hide.
I hate this shit. If you’ve brought on too much, you have to gate check. If I’ve followed the rules and only have a small thing, I get my allotted overhead space and have earned my leg room, damnit.
Completely disagree. I definitely have gotten a body high from a vape, but I am an infrequent user.
You’re right to not call them Palmetto Bugs. They’re cockroaches. I think German cockroaches, specifically, are what people call Palmetto Bugs.
He does suck and I can’t believe Jana Kramer was in the bottom with Maureen.
So it’s funny, because I feel the opposite shame by not being on the pill because it feels like an expectation. Who in a long term relationship still makes their partner use condoms? It seems ridiculous but I had to get off of it because I was done crying so much (now I only cry a moderate amount! :) ).
Your BC made you photosensitive? I always thought I just had sensitive eyes but man maybe that was it. I’ve been off it now for a year because the emotional effects for me were terrible, but now I’m also going to consider whether it seems like my teary eyes in the sun have improved. How interesting.
Gotta get those crotch gussets though!
Right? I heard it on the radio earlier and was like meh but I thought the video might redeem it. Nah.
Ugh. I really want to get my cat to let me brush her teeth for this reason but I also value my fingers...
I am team get-the-fuck-out but his statements are pretty insensitive to people who straight up don’t have the means to leave (money for gas, are homebound due to illness or age, etc).
I think she meant when she gets nervous and wants to cry as the “when that happens” bit. Still totally out there advice.