
Just saw the map with the cone. I’d be very nervous on the east coast. Good luck with whatever you decide. 😵

Yeah, I thought that maybe it was done to force her partner to not just have her do a bunch of acrobatics. But still. Jazz vs a ballroom dance was weird.

Yeah, I didn’t like that handled live either! I don’t know if Julianne really *got* it and I felt like there was an obvious power imbalance (Amber being at the judges’/Julianne’s mercy for scores) so Amber kind of tempered and half apologized for her feelings.

Are they predicting it to hit that hard (not getting all the warnings over here)? Are you right on the beach or susceptible to flooding? Do you have supplies?

Hah yeah. I mean, we’ll see what kind of crisis I can fabricate next birthday! Thanks for your concern. :)

Yeah, I don’t really know much about her or her usual demeanor but she does seem out of place (as in, like she feels out of place). Apparently they were pretty pleased with this week’s performance though, so hopefully she and her partner have hit their stride.

It’s uncomfortable because it’s a bad salsa. Or, most likely given how the show doesn’t lean heavily on traditional dance style, it’s uncomfortable because if Amber wasn’t fully into it, her discomfort translates into discomfort for the audience/judges.

In the part where I called it a ridiculous reason I meant that it also might be a ridiculous/false excuse.

Come to the west coast (of FL), we’ve got...well, not a hurricane, but the leftovers of some nasty red tide! Not a great couple weeks for Florida.

I’m now 26 and 5 months, but I will tell you that my 26th birthday ended in hysteric tears. So far I am okay and perhaps overreacted a bit. Does that help? 😛

Yeah, I don’t like him as her partner. I didn’t like that remark and I don’t like his choreography.

I don’t know if Amber heard it until the TV cut of the dances with judges’ play by play commentary over the music. I assume as they are dancing the music is too loud to hear the judges make these comments.

Yep, I took it as her being uncomfortable because it was more club dance than salsa. I didn’t catch the move that happened as she said it though. I totally understand why Amber would interpret it as she did, though, and I think it’s kind of inappropriate she was assigned that song. If she got to pick it, fine, but I

Yep, 26 here and I remember those drills, I think from elementary.

This was covered on Jalopnik and the comments were interesting. It wouldn’t make any sense to do this at a traffic stop; you’d make yourself vulnerable as you turned to open the hood and you wouldn’t be able to quickly drive after someone if they took off. This picture is from some sort of lengthy incident (not a

I hated the tango lighting! I couldn’t see the dancers well enough to assess their dancing.

My boyfriend and I have tried very hard to get into Veep and we almost never find it funny, but we feel like we should since it gets such rave responses/awards.


Maybe I’m misremembering but I thought my high school choir friends wanted to be contraltos.

They danced to the Go Diego Go theme but tried to make it sexy (he was/is? the voice of Diego). It was painful, honestly.