
I think it’s really hard for me to conceptualize the insertion cramp pain. Like, I think it should feel like being stabbed in the cervix, but that’s not really what cramps are like. Most people say it’s cramp-like pain though, and I mean I do live through that just fine once a month/every few months (when I was on bc).

I’m really more worried about the in the moment pain. Like, I’m terrified of shots.

I just cleaned an old mascara wand that I like really well and use that.

Hahaha I kind of feel this way too. I can’t tell if the makeup looks right because I’m so used to the darkness. Let’s make dark undereyes a trend! Eye contouring!

Wait that’s a lie? I will never be successful at covering my dark circles. :(

So you breathe correctly, then? My physical therapist is doing everything she can to drill into me the importance of diaphragm function. Keep on breathing deeply!

Did you take any pain killers beforehand?

Interesting. It seems quite a few commenters with PCOS had really bad reactions to the IUD. Why are our bodies so difficult???

What? Talked out of it because of endo? I’ve heard that PP is a good place to go for an IUD because they should be fairly experienced with them.

You’d think they would...not let you get an IUD. Was your PCOS undiagnosed when you got it? Sounds really terrible. :(

Ugh this shit. This is why I’m scared to get one. There has to be a way to prevent this kind of pain.

I’m with you. I took myself off pills for a second time because no thanks side effects. I am weighing the IUDs. Have you seen that often the copper one only gives you heavy periods/cramps the first few months and then your periods go back to more normal symptoms?

I was raised Christian but am no longer a believer, but I am so, so, so grateful that we always attended churches that were open to women in leadership and didn’t teach girls subservience. This all sounds awful and you are a champ for tolerating such a judgmental environment.

I’ll be upset, because it’s irreplaceable! I used to always run with mine, but it needs updating. I also have started to appreciate having my phone with me for safety even though I don’t run in unsafe places and probably couldn’t even call someone in a medical emergency.

A lot of county court systems have their public records searchable online. You can’t always get everything but you can get some information.

Yep, I’m a pretty small person and I try to stick to this rule. I have driven after two but I feel uncomfortable doing so even though I should be fine. I’m always amazed at how many drinks some of my friends will have and feel comfortable driving home; they might not be acting drunk but still.

I still have a nano with the clickwheel and I love it. I never liked the touchscreen because you can’t feel your way into changing songs when driving or running.

I’m going as a leopard which is kind of boring but I am excited to make spots on my face with big eye pencils and glitter!

My parents weirdly were totally okay with seven year old me watching Titanic (I wasn’t allowed to watch R rated movies until I was 17, so...) and I LOVED IT. It is the only movie we all saw in the theater together, at least that I recall. I had had the sex talk but I didn’t really get what sex was so I didn’t