Pretty sure this is targeted to high school classes.
Pretty sure this is targeted to high school classes.
Also, the typography is weird, yeah? Like why those fonts together? MS Word default pack.
Cat Daddy is a song that I believe has a dance to go with it. She was dancing to the song.
They’ve been advertising for YEARS. They just upped it by spending a bunch of money to get her involved, but it’s definitely not new. For awhile I’m pretty sure they used generic large breasted digitized women, because that’s obviously much cheaper.
Haha, I actually finally came out, frustratedly, with wanting to get off the pill when I got annoyed with my partner for not knowing it was free. He also never was able to pay attention to when I wasn’t taking it (thus, on my period) despite my schedule of taking it at 7 am and then going back to sleep (we share a…
I’ve only been off it for my period and about two weeks, and we both have been sick with a cold sinus something so no sex. :(
I’m using an app called Cyclebeads. I read that true cycle tracking is actually very effective when done right, which is hard to accept when I grew up with horror stories of YOU CAN GET PREGNANT ANY TIME (which is technically true, but). I’m not doing the whole basal temperature thing though. I don’t think my partner…
I’ve also considered making my partner go with me and how that might make it better. I’ve never been on any anxiety medication or Valium or anything so I have no reference for how that might help but maybe I could try that. We’ll see.
Ugh. I tried to do this and it usually worked IF we had sex that day and if not I would just be angry (and the not doing it could be because of things like we were tired/other things came up/had too much work to do/etc.). My partner refused to schedule sex even though I asked to do so, which meant we had sex pretty…
You recommended it with condoms. Not irresponsible. :) Unless that’s not how you meant it.
See, I have heard that that’s an issue...but I also think maybe there has recently been an upgrade? I don’t know when you tried it.
...yeah see, the fact that doctors are so nonchalant about pain management during a procedure that can/does trigger things like that is a bit disconcerting to me. I AM ALSO A HUGE WUSS. :( Also, which one did you get?
That sounds terrible. :( It’s distressing how completely unpredictable your body’s reaction is going to be.
A solid question to ask. I don’t really have a place I trust, honestly. I’m still a student and have been going to my campus health center for routine check ups and liked the nurse that did that, but I would be leery of any major procedures there. But I think you’re onto something with finding a progressive office.
It is oddly timely for me, too! I have been on various pills for five or so years and just stopped taking them a few weeks ago. I personally had been on BC for as long as I’ve been having sex, and it’s always been painful in various ways. I’ve also really lost most physical interest in it. I also have been prone to…
This is how I was feeling too, exactly! I wanted to have sex mentally, but physically I would almost involuntarily move away from foreplay. I think it also made my acne worse. I’m hoping that stopping it is going to do good things for me.
This is how I was feeling too, exactly! I wanted to have sex mentally, but physically I would almost involuntarily move away from foreplay. I think it also made my acne worse. I’m hoping that stopping it is going to do good things for me.
This is so strange, because I’ve experienced those things on the pill (I’m not negating your experience at all, just observing). Like the lightning shock pains! I also have gotten them in my vagina before. Obviously different bodies react differently to different hormones, but it’s interesting to me when one person’s…
Oh, gotcha. I didn’t read right and I think I thought you said a few weeks ago.
...and how do you ascertain they know what they’re doing? Did you just ask them or did you find advice somewhere? I think I read that Planned Parenthoods tend to do a lot of them.