
I am annoyed by Jess. Like if you want to be with Nick , be with Nick. Why lead Sam on and waste his time? And Nick was being a jerk in the begining , taking pleasure in coming between Jess and Sam.

Why don't people find Titus a gay stereotype ? How is he any different from that guy on Will n Grace that everyone calls 'gay minstrel' ?

Titus is unlikable. I'm tired of his drama.

Lisa Kudrow doesn't look like Kimmy at all. I think Juliane Moore would have been better. Looks like Tina made so many Friends references this season, that she just couldn't resist having 'Phoebe' in the finale !

Hmm you are right…..I think my observation is true of UKS only. Not Tina Fey's other works like 30 rock.

Its going to be resolved in season 3 episode 1 itself. I hope. they'll not drag it out the entire next season. Just like Titus and his ex-wife was wrapped up in 1 episode.

I love Titus and Mikey <3 I hope we get more of them in season 3.
Don't know who did the Reverend meet now, that he is asking Kimmy for a divorce ? Could it be Cindy or someone we know ?
I don't want Reverend to come back tbh. He is too scary.

Yes. Its Lisa Kudrow as her mom.

I love Titus and Mikey. Such a nice relationship.

Was Kimmy a virgin before this episode ? It seemed like that from the way she was talking about sex.

I don't know why, but I don't like Dong. He's unfunny, boring and bland.
I liked Keith. He served in the miltary and he understood Kimmy's post trauma stress.

Yes, its offensive and insensitive. Why couldn't they just make her adopted ?

The Kardashian jokes were the best part.
Somehow I feel UKS will not age well and will be dated in 10 years because a lot of pop culture references will become irrelevent.

Lisa Kudrow is Kimmy's mom.

What makes Titus such a catch ? He is often unlikable, selfish, self absorbed, lives in a crappy apartment, struggles financially, struggles to have a job, hasn't had a break on broadway and he is not very conventionally attractive either. Titus is very obnoxious sometimes when he wants to be the center of attention.

I loved Jacqueline's Rachel haircut. I knew it seemed familiar.

Dong and Kimmy are both too nice and sweet. Dong is not very funny either.Thats the problem.Having a cross cultural romance just for the heck of it serves no purpose. BLAND is the word to describe Kimmy and Dong.

I honestly want that to happen.Lol !

I've never heard any christian rock band song that bashed gays. Maybe the band didn't believe in their song, but they were pandering to their

OMG, I didn't know Julian was a billionaire ! I have a new found respect for Jacqueline. Who needs a GED or a job if you can land a guy like that ? Lol. Too bad she didn't get the 1.5 billion.