
OMG, I didn't know Julian was a billionaire. I have a new found respect for Jacqueline. Who needs a GED or a job if you can land a guy like that ? Lol. Too bad she didn't get the 1.5 billion.

Cam and Mitch don't really seem like a couple tbh. They look more like roommates.

Omg yes, it was so catchy Lol.

Didn't they already do that 'hiding the dog from Chandler' on Friends ?

I just want Winston and Aly together. They are the only ones I care to see.

I loved Monica and Richard on Friends. It was one of the few guest romantic arcs that were done well. Wish they would give Jess an interesting love interest otherwise, just have her plots with the Nick, Cece, Schmidt and Winston.

7 season run is enough. It will be 'Old Girl' after that, and they'll all be approaching 40s.

I just don't buy Nick and Jess acting like they don't even know each other. How do you go from being madly in love to THAT ? Unrealistic. I miss Nick/Jess friendship scenes and their moments together in season 1 and 2, but now they don't have that bond.
Such a boring episode. Jess is so annoying.Also why can't they

It ruins some seasons . Why would anyone want to watch season 6,7 and 8 ? They are not particularly funny and focus a lot of Barney/Robin on-off thing. Season 1-4 still hold up.

This pilot sounds LAME. Especially the depiction of stereotypical gay people. Main character is so OBNOXIOUS. Ughh.
And this is coming from someone who found HIMYM to be quite unfunny-it was your typical cbs laugh track sitcom with annoying 1 note characters and lame love triangles.
Barney and Robin had 0 chemistry and

Coz I didn't realize that before.It was a 6 year old episode. I didn't remember much until someone else pointed out.
A casual viewer might think Sheldon was arrested coz we was in jail. It is understandable

I wonder how much Melissa is getting paid for this ? Her fee must have increased since the show ended.
Didn't like Melissa in the Ghostbusters trailer. Kate McKinnon(or however she spells her name) and Leslie Jones are funnier.

Yes. He called her a hypocrite . He was right. She acted like she was better than rich kids, but she was one of them. Her grandparents paid for everything. Hilarious. Logan was epic. I liked him.

Then it looks like the creators/producers don't care about continuity either.
Technically he wasn't even arrested, he was just held in contempt of court. Whatever.

Sheldon and Amy were being super cute tonight <3
I loved it when Amy asked Sheldon to drink, when she said he rocked her world in bed. Mayim's delivery was great and Jim looked cute.
And they were being so dorky in the TAG scene. Sheldon made such adorable faces and has a cute smile.
A little odd that Sheldon and

They have nothing in common. Thats why they are a drag.
Penny should be with Zack. He was fun.
I always like Penny's scenes with Sheldon or the girls more than her scenes with Leonard.

But in this episode, Amy didn't hint him that she wanted to have sex. She merely said, he was good in bed and 'rocked her world' .haha

The writers forgot everything. Sheldon was arrested in season 3 for speeding and insulting a judge. He went to jail and pulled the old "you're in my spot" on an inmate.
Penny was right THERE. And she took him to Stan Lee's house later. Looks like Sheldon and Penny had temporary memory loss.
I think people who write the

Sheldon wasn't drunk when he had sex with Amy, as far as I remember.

It was so sad. His voice was so sexy. And then he just stood her up. wtf ?