
Babies ruin shows !. Now we can expect every episode to remind us that Bernadette is pregnant and every Bernadette storyline will be about her pregnancy. Great. Did writers forget she is also a scientist with a PHD ?
Another proof they are running out of ideas.

Ugly girls are not allowed on TV. But ugly guys are.
Its very simple lol. And sad. So while the women are expected to date goofy, ugly, gorgeous, short, tall or basically any kind of guy, the guys almost always will date ONLY hot girls(no matter how unattractive the guy is).
Its a concept called DOUBLE STANDARD of

Phil founded the NARCs- National Association of Responsible Cheerleaders.ROFL.
I love Phil.

Jim Parsons looked attractive in this episode. They picked one of the least famous Beach Boys songs.

Mayim Bialik has a HUGE NOSE. Looks like despite wearing heels , they are all midgets.

I just want to say, Sheldon looked hot as Data. Otherwise agree with this 3 year old review. C+ is all it deserves.Lol. I think D is too low. You just got offended easily. I've never been into comic books so I don't know. But I'm into physics so when they do some time traveling stuff on TBBT, i'll give it an A.

I wasn't a fan of Monica and Chandler as a couple. They had 0 chemistry.
Monica and Richard FTW. Tom Selleck has no competition.

Why don't you review Friends, season 2-10 ? You just stopped after season 1. The good stuff was AFTER season 1. Season 1 wasn't even that good.
My favorite characters were Rachel and Phoebe. They both rightly won emmys. Phoebe was the most fun character. And Rachel was the only one who could do both comedy and drama

He made a joke about making out with wives of 2 of his friends.Unfunny. When he is dateless, he acts like women are objects and that he is entitled to one(and not just anyone, the hottest ones lol) - like a whiny douchbag.Because obviously, it can't be his fault that that Emily and him didn't work out. Classic jerk,

Just rewatched season 9.
Meh…Barney/Robin had 0 chemistry-Robin always looked like she couldn't care less about him or marrying him. Ted/Robin had 0 chemistry too. She was better off with that super hot but super dumb jock guy-Nick.

Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik have great chemistry :-)

Raj is becoming a very misogynistic character, since he started talking to women -he could fit right in 2.5 men, Chuck Lorre's other extremely unfunny sexist show.

I agree with your review. I loved the Sheldon and Amy scenes. It was a mature storyline about hoarding. Wasn't a big fan in earlier seasons, but I like Sheldon's development in season 9.I liked that Amy also admitted to keeping things.
LOVED the Fibonacci Sequence reference!!
The other couples are boring and nothing

He takes the bus, I assume.

But Nick has shown no interest in getting back with Jess. So, it won't matter. He was just trying to be a good friend in that episode last year, just like Schmidt, Cece or Winston.Nick is not hung up on Jess. Wasn't he trying to have sex with Reagan in Jess' bedroom a few episodes ago ? Lol.

Maybe Nick and Jess will be endgame after all ? I wanted a conversation between Nick and Jess after Nick confessed that he was not sorry for kissing Jess. I don't like the way they act like nothing happened between them.
BTW David Walton WILL return . I saw an article where Zooey and him are kissing passionately on

Yes ! Nick grosses me out too. He has become more immature and childish now.Jess deserves better . She deserves a fairytale ending :) Its ironic that Cece is getting married first, because Jess was the one who believed in true love/serious relationships and all that
I like NIck as a character but him and Jess

LOL. Like I care if its predictable or unpredictable to you. Still doesn't change the fact that what I said is true of majority of blockbusters. I'm calling it like it is. That is always predictable, but no less true.

Why should it matter whether I'm trying to prove i'm a serious movie watcher or not, to you? Clearly, you are free to watch whatever movies you like and last time I checked, I have a right to voice why I'm sick of mindless, predictable and childish blockbusters on AV Club. I genuinely don't get the big deal about

Why ?Its a decent movie. Certainly more mature and character driven than most superhero blockbusters. I liked how it dealt with grief and mental illness, especially bipolar disorder. Its a little offbeat, but I liked Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence's performances.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless