
No. I'd rather rewatch movies like Fight Club, Silence of the Lambs, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Godfather, Donnie Darko, The Prestige, Mulholand Drive or Silver Linings Playbook than watch another new generic superhero movie. I just don't get the fuss about these installments. Thats why I commented.

Superhero movies are childish. If you've seen one, you've seen them all.

Phoebe was always the slut lol, Monica was close, but she married chandler , so that must have brought her number down. Rachel had more of an emotional storyline rather than hookups.
I thought , Joey hooked up with way more girls than 51. He hooked up with all of manhattan; He was an actor, he probably slept with a lot

Phil is cute and attractive !! Sure, his personality is dorky, but outwardly, he is a good looking guy.

Mitch and Cam always act like they can't stand each other. I would not have guessed they were a couple if I watched a random episode. No love between those two.
BTW, did Andy break up with Beth?

Andy should have married Beth.
Haley and Dylan were awesome !! I miss Dylan.

If the races were reversed and Schmidt's parents were telling him to not marry an indian, everyone on av club would call it racism.

Alexander Schmidt

The scene between Schmidt and his Dad was superb !! Great acting by all, including Jess, Schmidt, Cece and Gavin.
And Jess should date a sexy rich silver fox. Zooey looks good with older guys.
Maybe Russell from season 1 can come back. He was cute and cared about her. Their reason for break up was stupid.

Cece's mom was such a huge racist and I did not really like that episode. Don't know why no one noticed that.

Seth Cohen aka Adam Brody already played Jess's ex-boyfriend in a season 3 episode.

I just came here to say that Cece's mom was being a giant RACIST and ANTI-SEMETIC too.
I did not like this episode and I am still baffled why no one pointed this out ???? Shame on AV Club reviewers and people who comment.

I know. Thats why I said it was very convenient. Because someone who looked like Elizabeth would probably never be cast as a regular love interest in the first place haha

Her hair is totally blonde in the home video. And she has light eyes too.Infact she looked nothing like Jesse !

I know this is a very late reply, but the kids' deceased mom(Danny's wife) on Full House had blonde hair.

The producer/writer of GG, hates Melissa, It seemed like that, because the writer was being so passive aggressive to describe Melissa's schedule as 'fucking crazy'. They never bothered to contact her. Sad, because i liked Sookie, only one on the show who was grounded.

Mom(on CBS) is a decent show. Its quite realistic in showing money problems, along with battles of addiction. Well acted by Allison Janney, Anna Farris, Mimi Kennedy and Octavia Spencer. But the show is more darker/depressing than the Middle, at times.

Why is Phil being attracted to black women funny ?. Season 7 has not been good at all. No Emmy for MF this year. Its so mediocre now.Totally stale.

New Girl will become Old Girl soon, as i think it will be renewed for sure. They need to make realistic living arrangements. Schmidt and Cece need to move out and Reagan/someone new can live in the loft . It will make a good Jess-Nick-Reagan/third person, situaton and shake things up a little. There needs to be more

What was wrong with Schmidt and Elizabeth, except that she wasn't model good looking ? I know she was overweight but they went well together. Schmidt cheated on both Cece and Elizabeth, but after that, only Cece very 'conveniently' stayed in his life. Me thinks it has to do with the fact that the writers simply don't