Anonymous Ghost

extra online servers need to be purchased and configured to handle the increased playerbase

What work? All they did was take the CCG RPG elements of one game, swap in the sprite graphics of a second game, and shoehorn in the overland map of a third game. It’s not like they built the whole thing from the ground up.

To be fair, there is actually quite a bit of work involved. The event needs to be scheduled internationally, extra online servers need to be purchased and configured to handle the increased playerbase, new art is created for both voting options, new dialogue written for each event, extra Miiverse moderation....

Oh come on. How much overhead could there possibly be in picking a fucking theme and plugging in two possible choices for it? This is complete bullshit. The game has only been out for a year. God Nintendo, just when you were starting to get the hang of online gaming.

Except not really it is the illusion of going forward.

I think it’s remarkable that China skipped all of the democracy and became a free market economy gone wild, where companies with the most money dictate policy, not the people in the government or the streets.

China... Where everything is in the legal grey as long as it doesn’t impact the dictato... I mean government.

Hahaha. Once I got her out of my life it was awesome. I’m well, just... can’t have her around. I’m just saying that drug users are not reliable narrators. :-/

Off topic: my son was required to go to drug and alcohol counseling. He is a low level pot head. He comes out of meeting one totally flabbergasted because some guy, high on meth had chopped down, split and stacked every single tree on his mother’s property and was working on the trees at the neighbor’s house when he

Given that heavy meth use is involved, probably the only completely/verifiably true part of this story is the decapitation.

That is the face I make when I chose the salad instead of the soup. All iceberg lettuce and a still green tomato, what? It was chicken tortilla soup? Dammit...

They forgot the part where the couple shocked his balls with a car battery before the trio took in a movie and a quiet dinner together.

Meth is a helluva drug.

Look, I’m no rocket surgeon, but I don’t think the events occurred exactly the way these folks are telling it.

The face you make when you’re going over some of the choices you’ve made:

The ONLY part of this story that doesn’t make my head spin is: meth use was involved. Revenge on a rapist I get, but driving around with a rapist, looking for drugs, tied up in chair.... WTF?

Seriously. God, my life is boring in comparison.

I’m just not sure I believe anything after “he agreed we could tie him with rope and beat him” because.. What?

No I didn’t mean we shouldnt update specs. But the lates specs are being pushed to sell 4k minitors and tv. We should be pushing the art and what can be accomplished in a game vs what resolution it runs at. I think we pushed hd to quickly. Heck xbox 1 still cant do do 1080p. Imaggine if all the power of these new

No you don’t need the most powerful tech in a consol. That’s what makes consol gaming great. I get to focus more on playing games then tweeking and updating my pc. Look at Uncharted 4. PS4 hardware was already underpowered compared to pc when it came out 3 years ago, but Uncharted, on that outdated hardware, is still