
Sad. GLOW wasn’t even really wrestling. :P It was models hired to play wrestlers. so not the same thing. even the girls knew it.

some of them have been stalked and harassed and have been conditioned to accept it. that’s a component of rape culture.

it’s not really about being “weaker”. Using terms like that adds to the stigma and to the suicidal ideation.

He mentioned not being able to build relationships in addition to not being able to relate in healthy ways. Very common with both disorders as the self image is distorted in such a way the sufferer cannot relate to others. so again, mental illness. not just feeling bad cause you spent a lot of time playing video

lol okay. i think he was saying he has major depressive disorder which is generalized anxiety disorders’ best friend. this isn’t about being depressed about your life or having anxiety this is about a lifelong struggle with negative voices in your head and self doubt. know, mental illness.

He has a legacy cause he’s a white dude and people are always going to have time and be receptive of him writing black characters for white people. How can you not understand that?

I think there’s a serious disconnect. If it’s not aimed directly at white people t hey are not going to give a fuck. They’re going to dismiss everything we do because they do not identify with us as people. I sound harsh but the comments at the beginning of this comments section about Duvernay being terrible cause

Stop giving white men the benefit of the doubt when they speak dismissively of the works of black people. Period, full stop.

It makes him an asshole because he’s never seen it. Because his movie Django was insulting to slavery but white people ate it up because they’d rather see that than 12 Years A Slave. I’m surprised he didn’t do a faux blaccent. I like how every comment on this article is a dissection of why she’s not a good director


Black people rejoiced. Privately.

This one DEFINITELY should have been on there.

Lucy, Daughter of the Devil is under appreciated for sure.

That bear was my avatar on many forums for years.

How do you get “desperate and petty” from stories about cookies and hide-and-seek? The Scientologists are very litigious so that could have something to do with the nature of the stories in the book which is probably more about how she came to be involved in Scientology; these stories were just cherry picked for