
haha that is just awesome, sucks for your team tho

After playing unreal Tournament 1999 for so long, I’m so glad for a FAST paced FPS...most of the ones I’ve played recently I felt like I was standing still In comparison. Overwatch Is brutally slow feeling haha

Yea she eats everything, ults etc. Has high rof, 2 lives, her pistol does good dmg, and both her ults charge pretty no dmg from her utl. Sorry any way they try to explain it she is OP.

Yeah i agree, took me awhile to get used to keyboard and mouse after coming from controllers. I bet they do get mad, i have ye to try a controller myself.

I’m not on console, but that T1 is kinda cool, esp letting you use a mouse and keyboard on console. The rapid fire/reload etc. Is a bit over the top though.

Oh yea It is pretty tough esp soldier 76 jumping + running. I’ll practice it for sure.

Yea I’ve been seeing a bunch of this, ppl jumping all over the place and still not missing ....also getting headshots.

Yeah I agree, not sure why ppl are calling you a troll. You voiced your opinion and on top of that you explained WHY you have the opinion you have. Didn’t just drop an opinion then start flaming the comment section. They just keep droning on and on about It, wow.

Hey that is awesome. Triple triad Is fricken great, most of the side game sin FF titles are what keep be coming back. Blitzball In FFX my god 300 hours just playing that game....