Anonymous Account

Are you talking about the South, or about "hillibillies"? If it's the former, millions of people live there, mostly in cities and suburbs. More than 40 percent of them vote Democrat. Are a majority of them even white? If you're talking about "hillbillies," you're going to have to define it. Sorry for answering this

I wish they would reconsider this. As long as the kid is actually surrounded by people who are filming her, this guy's not going to rape her. I mean, that's what the point of this story is, yes? "Honey Boo Boo's going to be raped"? They should film her sleeping.

Intuition often isn't very thorough. There's a bunch of unpleasant sexual crap you can do to people (or make people do) that doesn't involve junk. Some of it pretty violent.

But in context, if it's 1993, you would have heard "Polly" on Nevermind, and if you're a Nirvana fan, you probably would have bought Incesticide, too, which includes another version of "Polly" and an essay where Kurt talks about people he hates having as fans (e.g. misogynists, homophobes, etc.), and specifically