
If Twitch would stop trying to be so puritan, there would be no problem.

Here comes Polygon and Kotaku, once again turning non-issues into “controversies” for clicks.


This controversy is kinda dumb. I haven't played Odyssey yet, but Assassin's Creed has always been about lineage. No one should expect any ancestor to be exclusively gay, since that would mean they'd have no lineage.

They won’t do it. Kotaku is ran by hypocrites. He’s literally the most sexualized character in the series (from his outfit, to his stance, to his moves), yet they ignore him.

Another day, another Kotaku article trashing Ivy’s design. You guys consistently pick on Ivy, then go on to ignore Voldo, who tends to wear a very similar an outfit, bondage gear and all. It bears no relevance to his story.

You stated my thoughts almost exactly. Not only do they slut-shame and dehumanize scantily clad or busty women often, they completely ignore sexualized male characters in the same games. Take Voldo for example. Not only is his costume sexualized, his movset and idle stance are as well. Yet none of these people harp

As a Soulcalibur fan, I’m glad that they’ve doubled down, on THEIR character designs rather than caving to western outrage. And furthermore, have you not seen Voldo? Not only has his costume always been sexual in nature, his stance and moves are completely sexualized as well.

Just stop. You're cherry picking information. The OP was not saying that the multi tweet essay was ridiculous. He was saying that her behavior throughout her twitter was.

Wow. I’m in shock right now. Why in the world are you guys defending her behavior? She was rude to, then publicly insulted a member of the GW community, simply because he gave polite feedback that she didn’t like. She could have either ignored him, or better yet, have engaged in a civil conversation, but instead went

The reason they don't change is actually simple: it'll kill the game. By pandering to overly sensitive audiences in the west,they'll anger the rest of the fanbase, quite possibly losing them.

Hypocrisy, my dude.

This article is the perfect example of the glaring hypocrisy of Kotaku, the same site who’s writers were gushing over Hot Ryu’s sexiness a few of years back and Kratos’ nipples just a month ago.

Fandoms generally suck. They’re assholes.

SJWs are probably gonna lose their sh!t to LMAO.