Dirty Fool

One of my favorite moments was in Blackfathom Deeps (was a long time ago, I stopped playing years ago). We were doing ok but then shit got out of control at the final battle. Somehow everyone died, but I was still alive with tons of mobs chasing me. I was playing a necro with an OP staff that randomly dropped a day

I would imagine the space whale would be skeptical of them at first, jaded after eons of seeing its earth-brethren senselessly slaughtered by humans. Leo and Adrian would try to make contact and are confused as to why the whale does not like them. The whale would play a years long game of hide and seek with the two,

Yo is that actually Mr. Rodgers flipping the double bird?

Better than just wasting it are cars, models, and blow I guess.

Cool that Dan Savage is getting a show made! Also, I think I have those underwear.

These women are super fun to watch play tennis. They don't leave anything behind, and don't give a fuck what you think.

Hey have all of the PC parts been moved to a different post? Did I miss something?

Hey have all of the PC parts been moved to a different post? Did I miss something?

Please tell me some concerned Arkansas resident is calling this shit in to the CPS. These people need to go to prison.

Yes, because conservatives are NEVER outraged or offended. Especially when it comes to religion or your private sex life.

I thought Get North or Die Trying was pretty clever.

Dude wasn't even married yet? Yeah, I would just try to keep that under wraps and hope your wife-to-be doesn't drop your ass.

The first time I went to Zeal was pretty amazing. At this point we had seen shitty middle ages, dinosaurs in prehistoric times, post-apocalyptic shitty future, normal present, then BAM, crazy mystical floating happy magic kingdom? Tons of fun.

As President Obama put it, "Kind of ironic that the senate republicans are siding with the hardliners in Iran".


Check out his before and after, he worked super hard on that shit. My skinny ass would need 100lbs of creatine to get anywhere near that ripped.

Maybe this helps?

I have a not that great rig and can already play Arena Commander just fine. It isn't even optimized yet. Your point is taken, but CIG has always been pretty upfront that this game will push the envelope.

Thanks! I am quite ofter chronologically impaired, so I will have to give it a second try. I too found the mechanics in DOTA 2 a little tiresome.

Mainly getting drunk while playing computer games, then yelling at the games (in joy and anger).

Are people really enjoying this game? I got into the beta and played a bit, but was severely underwhelmed and shelved it. Seemed a little slow and basic compared to other MOBA offerings. Willing to try again though! What are people liking about this game (other than being in the Blizz-verse, which I love)?