Let's see... mostly just PC.
Let's see... mostly just PC.
Dude is missing out. He could be lining people up, fisting the shit out of them, and then sell the footage for more money.
Came here to say the same thing. Like who cares, especially in France?
How is "this shit getting out of hand"? People want more diverse characters, and Bliz wants to sell these people games. Do you feel threatened by feminism?
I don't have kids (dog training is going well though), but in terms of hitting a child I always think this: If you can't reason with them and get them to understand your point, are they really going to understand why you are hitting them?
Man I love the Steam backup and restore function. I have tons of games on Steam, and being able to package them up and dump them on an external is super helpful.
I had a Chinese lady tell me once I use chopsticks like a dirty peasant. Guess she has standards.
Man, I am sick of the thought that "this is all an image issue, if we just communicate better people will love us!" "We aren't outdated and horrible, the Mainstream Media just portrays us this way!"
Yup, exactly. Had this not blown up on a Friday, I don't know if it would have gone so far. People get bored at work.
There should be a morning session, where they bring the grooms' parents in and publicly shame them for not teaching their sons how to behave like an adult.
I would love to see those statistics please!
This 5000x. Family planning and preventative medicine in general has huge cost savings over the long run. Shit, probably in the short run too.
Eh, I think we will just have to disagree. I think a lot of women would start playing more video games if they had more gender diversity. True, women do not tend to play video games at the same rate as men, but that has been changing over the last 10 years, and is actually closer than you think. Just google it.
If video game companies are following the money, and games with strong female protagonists and characters can do well, they why would these companies not want to have their games appeal more to 50% of the population?
Yup, all those fancy appliances, free rent, and free power! All you have to do is become a jihadi slave. Then all those dead people's things can be yours! Pay no attention to the blood stains.
Shit, now I really want some fried chicken. I bet fired chicken is on the menu every month there. Way to go white people.
Had no idea Agassi is Armanian. Dude is boss, thanks for this.
Great article Evan, I love these long reads that get at a lot more than just games. Keep up the good work.
So sorry for you! Let's hope better treatment options open up for you soon. Or just come on over to Oregon, shit is legal in a few months!
I got kinda close once in Amsterdam. I hadn't been smoking at all for about 3 months, and proceeded to smoke a king sized spliff of premium white rhino to the dome. Was fucking shaking after. I had to go hang out under a tree in the park for the rest of the afternoon.