I always found some weed at the end of the night really helps that nose candy comedown.
I always found some weed at the end of the night really helps that nose candy comedown.
Next time try Ruby Red Squirt. Shit is candy crack in a bottle.
Get some good medical weed, helps with that!
Wow this kid is a fucking cat wizard. He should get a prize.
My friends wrote a Christmas musical that basically has this as one of the scenes. It is amazing.
In addition, it should be noted that this drug is psychotropic. Meaning it works but actually affecting brain chemistry vs. a physiological effect like viagra.
Gotta stay safe while looking good! http://www.bulletblocker.com/bullet-proof-c…
I saw the same thing.
All I can think is, man, where is she hiding that pussy? Must be tiny. Or she is a barbie.
Although my trash-compactor of a digestive system handles milk great, I never really find myself really wanting a big ol' glass of udder juice. I use a ton in cooking and coffee though.
I am not a lawyer-bot, but my wife is in law school and has been learning a lot about these types of issues. Basically the courts are set up so that State issues stay within State courts until the issue is contested or appealed enough, then it gets kicked up to the district courts, which a that point becomes a…
I do this at home sometimes, because fuck it, my pants are probably coming off in less than a minute anyways if I am at home.
I would say 99% of people don't know real
Assholes need to realize that feminists don't hate men by default; they just hate you because you are a misogynist asshat.
I am still amazed that conservatives are able to get people who would probably benefit from the ACA the most to be so vehemently against it. Can't tell if it is the racism, fear of "socialism", partisan hate, or a big mashup of it all. Had the GOP one the White House and made the same plan, I doubt there would be so…
BUT, if the line does work, you should be set for life.
Would you rather judges just use statues all willy-nilly just to convict people? I highly doubt the judge thinks it is "fun" to not convict obvious assholes like Buono.
Technically it's not child porn, so unfortunately the judge could not use those statues against him.
Sheep stomach, stuffed with cabbage, some grain? (not sure), and sheep blood. No seasonings. Not even salt as the cook had hypertension. Surface looked like a baby-puke green alien egg.
Seriously. His character might have been "sweet" but had serious issues. I was suprised by how much I like that movie.