I just figured it out: They are man-children, and thus their childhood is not over, so that is why they feel like their childhoods are under attack.
I just figured it out: They are man-children, and thus their childhood is not over, so that is why they feel like their childhoods are under attack.
Can someone please explain to me how remaking something ruins childhoods, or somehow diminishes the original? I mean, sure, some dickwad dudes are not happy about all-female ghostbusters, but really, how does this affect their childhood or memories of? Can they not remember more than one version of a movie at a time?
Gawker has it. Here.
As a guy I just don't understand this. When has catcalling EVER resulted in a date/sex/etc.? What do these dudes expect out of this? Are they doing it for the pure pleasure of demeaning women?
Kinda looks like a washed-up, hungover Jon Hamm. Not as good looking, obvs, but damn still better than his old look.
If had known that I may have not bought the game. Or at least I would have waited to play it until after the wipe.
Totally every woman's dream: sexy lingerie photo shoot! Amirite ladies? *wink**wink*
West Coast = Best Coast!
"...and God told Adam: I gave you two heads, yes, but only enough blood to think with one at a time."
White dude, I normally shower 5/7 days a week, but only wash my hair once a week. I get sweaty at night, and damn that shower wakes me up for work.
I think every guy has tried the shampoo/soap as lube. Super bad idea.
So I once broke my finger and got four stitches bowling. Shit you not.
But you would miss so much country goodness east of the mountains!
There is a wide range of pee out there; coffee pee, first pee, post-movie pee... list goes on.
Just do a massive combo of WA, ID, and OR and you have so much to work with.
but who can survive outside of the womb in most cases
Wow some serious fucking kid hate. Having recently been married, I can say a few things about this. First, my little nephew was super adorable at the wedding as the ring bearer. Kids are great for looking adorable in photos (don't invite ugly kids). Second, they really don't take up much space or eat much. If…
Looks like some shitty Ed Hardy BS.
OMG was about to say "Yes, but that sweater has to be burned first".