#11: When you have 91 felony indictments
#11: When you have 91 felony indictments
#4, without a doubt. The absence of this is why so many fucking talking heads on TV and every celebrity or past-their-prime celebrity gets their names played all over the Internet when they say some stupid shit they have no business weighing in on. For example: who gives a fuck what Alice Cooper thinks about trans…
Oh man, when I was a kid my best friend’s mom bought one of these brand new, right after getting divorced. It wasn’t a Blue Max, but I will always associate Mercury Cougars of this generation with my childhood friend’s mercurial cougar of a mother - a hot, newly single real estate agent (obviously) on the prowl. Lots…
It’s always the answer: the NA Miata. Not the most recent example - but they nailed the look, feel and sound of the Lotus Elan. My understanding is that the Mazda engineers benchmarked a specific Elan and then designed a new car from the ground up to be the ‘new Elan’ - right down to ensure that the exhaust note was…
No... this is an example of them NOT getting it right.
Lawns, yes, but green spaces aren’t all grass. Trees use far less water, provide shade allowing grass to use less, and can go deeper for water that is otherwise inaccessible.
I’d never touch a 401k. You think you’d be getting the interest yourself but in the meantime, that money could have been making 15-30% in a year in a large cap growth index. There are some indexes that did 36% YTD so far.
One more reason I will NEVER let a valet in my car. I worked at a restaurant that had valet parking, and the shit I saw the valets do to cars was insane.
Yeah that was NOT a joyride by any description. Other than a couple of revs, it was a “normal” little cruise. Now the apparent no look u turn is massively stupid no doubt. Now I don’t know if he was out finding a parking spot in one of their “lots” or if he in fact took the ride after it was valet parked and drove…
Yeah, that didn’t exactly look like a joyride, he was probably just looking for a place to park it. He goosed it a tiny bit and barely got over 40 mph. What he did do was flip a U from the outside lane without looking behind him, which wasn’t a brilliant move.
I think this argument distracts from the point of the gas tax in the first place, which isn’t to encourage efficiency but as a way to pay for infrastructure that everyone uses. The idea behind it being a gas tax was that it used to be generally true that heavier cars used more fuel and cause more roadway damage so…
Yeah, that boat did more damage to the environment pulling into the peer than that paint did.
Pretty sure any amount of spray paint done by a handful of people is trivial compared to what billionaires are doing.
I don’t really want to see it either, so that works out.
An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.
I bought a new car in 2012 and in the last 11 years I’ve put over 130,000 miles on it. I could have bought a used car but when you know you’re going to stick with it for a while, having the extra assurance from lack of previous drivers/miles and the extra warranties associated with new cars can often be worth the…