
This is all kinds of dumb.

i mean. yes.

Those ships carry so much cargo that the cost of fuel spread over the price of goods is negligible. My MBA classmate did an analysis years ago on the shipping industry that concluded if you filled a cargo ship to capacity with beer and shipped it from China to Long Beach, the cost of fuel would be $0.01 per can of

You will never be the very best with that kind of attitude.

I love you too, QuakerOats!

If your to stupid to not realize your shifter SHOWS you that it is not in park, the instrument cluster SHOWS you the gear your in, you can’t HEAR the chime saying its not in park, and you can’t be bothered to READ the manual if your to dim witted to figure it out...

Also, hydrate like you're trying to get rid of a nasty hang-over. I donate three times a year and have learned that not only am I less likely to get woozy post donation if I hydrate, but the donation goes quicker and it seems like they have less trouble finding a good vein to stick too.

I’m happy to hear from Tali again. It’s been a long time.