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    Arrow's trying to transcend, but they're trying too hard and have recently started failing spectacularly. If they'd dial it back and do what they're good at, maybe the level of quality would rise back up.

    I actually had that exact same thought last night - I think it was during one of the last scenes when he got extra squinty.

    Maybe he wasn't running as fast, or as far?

    I have a feeling that whole 'you HAVE to do what Waller wants' bit Lyla delivered earlier in the season is going to come back and create drama for Digg and Lyla, and he might have to do some hard thinking on his morals and his relationship with his fiancee/wife. I hope, so hard. David Ramsey is too talented to be

    "The Industry" has a horrible hatred for productions in Vancouver and does everything they can to not recognize them.

    Nope! Ollie probably had the entire place booby trapped, to teach Barry a lesson.

    OLIVER: Oh, and don't tell anyone about our secret base of operations under Verdant. It's really secret. Only about twenty people outside our team know the security code to get in.
    TEAM FLASH: We kinda didn't know about that until just now.

    Yeah, I've gotten so tired of Felicity getting a quarter to half of each episode for the past 2 years devoted to her even though she is the least popular character on the show and her story lines are all boring or awfully acted.

    It's like they're the stars of a Folgers christmas commercial…

    Felicity stood out in the hallway and asked Barry how it went with Oliver, immediately after Wells was asking her who the Arrow was. And they name dropped him again when talking about things that would only refer to the Arrow.

    I really enjoyed this episode if I pretend it took place in a pocket universe. It was a lot of fun, and I was overjoyed at seeing Team Arrow acting like the characters we came to know and love in Season 1 and Season 2. Their fun banter doesn't fit in the continuity of what is currently going on over on Arrow,

    That was the big reveal. And there are apparently people SHOCKED that Oliver has a kid. Did they not watch Arrow last year? They did everything but hit us over the head with an anvil.


    Our Hero has killed quite a few people, with more being added in flashbacks as the show goes on.

    I'm pretty sure that hairdo is going to feature in my future nightmares.

    I was entertained as heck by this episode. That's all I ask for in a tv show, and Arrow hasn't been delivering that much this season. This episode will probably have high rewatchability for me when Season 3 is over and I skip through the very few episodes from the beginning of the season that I want to watch.

    Making both Felicity and Diggle more prominent is good business for Warner Brothers & the CW, not fan pandering. The magazines and websites of entertainment tv shows that have singled out EBR and DR for being actors with decent talent is lovely and unusual publicity for a CW show, and the ratings I've seen have been

    What kind of shows do you watch? There are addiction storylines from soap operas in the 80s that were handled better than this one.

    uh, no.

    Did we watch the same show last season? That arc was laughable at best, and downright offensive most of the time.