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    Arrow continues to make Oliver unlikable and is giving more and more screen time to their worst actor/character. When I can fast forward through 25 minutes of the show to skip her scenes and not miss anything important, it's kinda teetering on the brink.

    Someone needs to send her a link to adsense.

    Oh, and there has to be an artist somewhere around here that can mock up a movie poster for Ted Grant starring in "I Was A Teenage Vigilante" - please? Pretty please? (I would have actually been able to buy part of this BS Laurel story if she were being trained by an actual older dude with experience, but this guy

    It's really sad that they keep pushing Laurel so hard, and are 100% committed to going all-in on having her suck up even more screen time, but if she just magically disappeared in the next episode and nobody ever mentioned her again, the show would be absolutely fine and not suffer one bit for it. (Let's be honest:

    I don't like the season so far because they're making the interesting characters act stupid and out of character in order to move Laurel's story along, and even with the character assassination that they're doing, I still don't give a flying goddamn about Laurel or her story.

    I am enjoying the heck out of this show. I'm ok with handwaving some things when the performances are as great as Jesse L Martin's continues to be. (I adore him on this, so I'm sure he's probably marked for death at the end of the season. That's just my luck.)

    I really loved Amell's expression after she said she should get going. It was very, 'Oh, crap, I screwed up again.'

    I think the evidence points to him being sneaky enough to do it. He's hedging his bets. If Thea ever decides to betray him, she'll probably only do it if she thinks she can defeat him (assuming he's also taught her some basic strategy).

    Sadly, I think it's exactly the bullshit you described.

    I can see where it's funny to some people, but I just add another ticky mark under the Oliver Is A Douche column every time he does it.

    I'm very interested in hearing your explanation of why you used the word "slutty" to describe Felicity's mother. Please, enlighten us.

    I thought she was meant to be around 25 now?

    I've decided that some executive at Warner Brothers TV is a huge Patridge Family fan: he brings his lunch to work in a PF lunchbox (hidden inside his briefcase, of course), puts out a 'zine on the down-low, wears custom-made-from-etsy Reuben Kincaid pajamas, and anyone even remotely connected with anything from that


    I have done that the past 3 weeks, and, as you said, I have not missed anything important.

    I have been staying away from most spoilers, but in interviews recently, it has been heavily (like, anvilly even for the people who create Arrow) suggested that it is going to be brought up in the Flash episode of the upcoming crossover. That means anyone who only watches Arrow currently, or anyone who watches the

    I have rewatched his delivery of, "Why not, Oliver? Who's she gonna tell?" an embarrassing number of times at this point.

    I agree with everything in this comment, especially the part about Ray being a stalker. Ugh. I don't even find him charming. Brandon Routh? Charming as hell. Creepy Stalker Ray? GTFO and keep him away from Felicity. Ick.

    I am not sure how this got a B+ but the shitshow from last week got an A-. Care to share the high quality crack you're smoking, AV Club?

    It's also not coincidence that the actors who portray Diggle and Felicity are singled out by critics & various media outlets as the best actors on the show. (Too bad the people in charge ignore that and keep giving massive amounts of screen time to people who aren't nearly as talented.)