
I think you means season 4.

I skipped season 2 after one or two episodes. There are two major things that happen in season 2 in the episodes after episode 2 of season 2 that you will figure out after two episodes of season 3 since they didn't happen in season 1 and are heavily referenced in season 3.

If you want more Begbie, T2 Trainspotting is for you. If the tension from the threat of ultraviolence turns you off, this is not for you. Part of his subplot doesn't make any sense unless one has read the books and know that he is gay.

The DVD has a bunch of cut scenes which include several scenes with MacDonald, Renton stays with her for a while and they cut that entire subplot from the movie - they distilled the entire subplot into "she's too young for you".

I ended up hating both Zelda and F. Scott by the end of the series, they just seemed like shallow, irresponsible alcoholics but the show didn't really play up their artistic ability/accomplishments very much. The show mentioned a couple of times that Zelda loved the prose in the letters she got from F. Scott and the

Pregnancy is a good guess, too.

Wow, your endurance - I gave up after two episodes.

I should have added I am quoting the showrunners from the after episode mini show that HBO runs on streaming.

Molly's Asian coworker, Maya Erskin, is Dewey's housemate in Casual, but with a totally different hairstyle, took me a minute to realize it.
I'm calling a STD subplot to be shared by Tasha/Lawrence/Issa.

Killjoys had that one transcendent episode IMHO with the guy who could live forever and everything else has been kind of meh to me. The lead actress is just so beautiful I just keep watching to see her.

chromecast just doesn't work for me. Requires a super high bandwidth/reliable connection which is not what I have. HBO Go works for me on a Mi android box just fine though.

The foreshadowing is one dragon dies, but the dragon team learns from this and takes out the cross bows first in the next fight.

It's a callback to a scene in season one where Arya tells her father that she is not destined to be a lady or princess when Ned lays out her options - "that's not me" and Arya now understands that Nymeria has made her wolf choice to be with her pack - to not be a pet wolf but to be a wild wolf so Nymeria is saying

I was jokingly expecting Gendry to row up and pick up Theon.

American Dad had that episode and it was mostly musical.

It was not disease that wiped out the native population, the colonists killed them as the original comment states, the disease thing is something American history classes in school fosters on kids so uncomfortable ideas don't enter children's heads. Christopher Columbus was just the first one to combine killing

See Drunk History, Hamilton episode. That and the Harriet Tubman episode are my favorites.

The German Navy didn't have enough ships and boats to invade England from 50 miles away in its prime in the 1940's, much less the USA. Part of the reason Germany tried to bomb/submarine blockade England into submission was that their surface navy was inadequate to the task. Germany would have had to have not made

I've seen that a Confederate Ramsey Bolton in Roots and Twelve Years a Slave and Django Unchained, off the top of my head.

At this point, it looks like the wrong side won the US War of Independence. The UK outlawed slavery and paid off the slaveowners for their income loss, we in the USA have this legacy of institutional racism and enshrine that and the abomination of slavery in our founding documents - this was only partially corrected