
Even before Fox News came into being, there were right wing commentators who liked to postulate that Africans benefited from being *imported* into the United States for slavery and growing up in Texas I heard lots of guys in school ground fights egg on the black kids by bringing up slavery.

Harvard just by it's lonesome averages a racist controversy every other year it seems. I didn't bother looking up the Ivy league colleges that didn't admit Jews for centuries.

I'm in the USA and I'm pretty tired of reading about/seeing racism in the USA, no desire to watch someone's attempt to outdo current events. At least with a show like Dear White People it will make me laugh sometimes, too. There no iteration of this "Confederate" idea that doesn't seem like white supremacist porn.

After the first season, the viewer can assume all the suspects are red herrings and be right most of the time.

Whab about a show like The Tudors where everything that happens eventually matches up with historical events but the details are totally fictional (as far as i can tell)?

Well for an example look at The Man in the High Castle, they made some of the Japanese/Nazi characters not totally evil. I still didn't like the Japanese/Nazi characters. There's also the German TV series Generation War about World War 2 from the German perspective of twenty somethings. Of course the main

Woodrow Wilson help reboot the KKK after Grant and others took it down, and restarted segregation in the federal government in the 1910-1920s. We actually progressed quite a bit after reconstruction until then.

I was in San Diego last week, it was 80 degrees in the afternoon and 60 at night. It sits on the coast, inland it was closer to 95.

This how to appeared on reddit a week after I viewed the episode.

It seems like writers of non crime drama shows go straight to murder when they run out of ideas, this show, Friday Night Lights have murder plots that seem outrageously misplaced.

Apparently Jerry Seinfeld modelled his life on that since he dated a 17 year old when he was middle aged as well.

A New Leaf got recommended to me by Netflix so I watched it and I think I might have laughed once. Elaine May is really charming and she marries Walter Matthau after he kind of swindles her into it, then he spends 90% of the movie trying to kill her for her inheritance but ends up falling in love with her - because

If you had seen it before the revelations, it appears to be one thing. After the revelations it appears to be something totally different.

Seriously don't think I can watch this, it's too depressing to think about how it could still happen today.

The GOP announced their plans to gerrymander the states in 2010 in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal and, this time, we really have Obama to thank for this since he was nominal head of the Democratic party and didn't try to stop them.…

They get a lot done in the red states, unfortunately.

I can't stand him since he sided with big pharma on the drug import bill, then realized he might have to tack a little to the left if he wants to run for president and said he was no longer going to accept money from big pharma. Another typical interchangeable politican is not going to beat Trump.

Based on this, the Democrats will let Trump get re-elected in 2020 based on their incompetence and inability to evoke a reason to vote for them and instead of against the other guy, just like Hilary.

I watched those and have been scanning through HBO Now for anything I haven't watched, yet. Got through eight episodes of the first season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The sex scene with Bob Odenkirk was a surprise, all hail the HBO God of Tits.

interview with Rogen talking about the first three episodes of season 2 and casting the show and how this show is different from making a movie, surprisingly, stuff that would make a movie R rated gets a free pass on AMC.…