
Did you listen to her town hall in San Francisco? She was almost at the GOP position on impeachment - she's going to have to be led to the water to drink, she's not really going to lead the charge on resistance to mix some metaphors. She also said forget about singler payer, it's never going to happen. She is closer

Pelosi is not going to step down unless the Democrats fail to take back the House in 2018. It's like Tip O'Neill in the 1980's. She makes too much money from the donor class and right now both parties in the House are beholden to fund raisers. She and Schumer both worked on the tack to the right strategy to win

All of these guys are not in support because it doesn't cut enough benefits. It's the same thing the far right wing did in the House, and they got what they wanted in the House, and any semi-moderate GOP members folded almost as quick as Paul Ryan.

Why do the rabbits sit in the middle of the road when Wednesday and Shadow Moon drive to Easter's and why does Wednesday drive right over them?

Actually the problem is that coal generated power is now the second most expensive form of power generation now so the coal only goes to existing plants which are reaching end of life versus building more and more of them. The most expensive is nuclear which is why we don't build any in the US anymore except in

On the other hand, after listening to the doctor interviewed on Fresh Air, anybody siding with the NFL on TBI is being paid by the NFL, similar to tobacco companies and oil companies relationship with science.

Almost every horror movie has scares involving dead bodies that would never work in real life, the smell is already bad outside with road kill from ten yards away, inside dead bodies would make entire rooms so rank as to be unmistakable.

Only the first season is worth watching, if you are into procedurals.

Casual aired on Hulu, Judy Greer is *not* going to hook up with the title characters, she's just used for some workplace scene every episode, payoff for slow reveal that Leon found a relationship not involving the toxic lead characters.

Why did the god agree to play Shadow Moon in a second game of checkers? I get that Shadow egged him on but he why would he play again to only get a second hit on Shadow Moon's head if he won or did I misunderstand that?

This is not a spoiler for you then, just a reminder, Walt hid the ricin behind that for later use.

The other side of the coin the Davis and Main partner argued earlier this season was more money for the plaintiffs and the law firm if they litigated because the case was so strong, if they took just another year.

Without commercials this was about 56 minutes.

It's the exact same M.O. of his wife, say something that sounds reasonable and let their dad/GOP do what they want.

Yes, that's true, and they had Dan throw out restarting the sexual relationship with his cohost and the cohost suggest something else to jump start the ratings, but having him be replaced by someone who was just kicked off for sexual harrassment in the workplace is pretty far fetched, in addition to missing a scene or

I missed the part where Dan is kicked out of the morning show. Last episode his older former cohost simply got an exclusive interview that never happened, and this episode he's announcing his move.

Wait a minute, I thought it was the VR goggles that malfunctioned, not the phones, unless it was one of those weird cardboard goggles to use a phone as a VR device.

she looks that tan in the episode the entire time.