The costume designer said she was reeling from the election results while making the show in the interview linked above.
The costume designer said she was reeling from the election results while making the show in the interview linked above.
It's been something like thirty years for me but everything that I remember from the book has been in the first two episodes, the change in government, the outfits and the weird rape ritual with the wife and handmaid. The thing that seems off and weird in watching the TV show is that why would all these men without…
People have told me it's watchable on the not quite legal sites. I recommend you use a VPN but it's rumored that something like ye old pirate body of water dot org has the first three episodes.
The kid is good at making me hate him. Also the baby in danger trope.
You are lucky, the second season has some jaw dropping stuff, like close to Jet Li or Jackie Chan level.
Nick Frost is the most compelling character and he's only started appearing in season 2.
The women led pack uses cross bows with bolts and explosive bolts.
I'm watching it but not thrilled by the plotting or a lot of the dialogue. The fight scenes are that good.
Was that Walter Goggins on American Dad as the gang leader? There's no credit list yet on
I guess even watching Hannibal is a bit of anomaly because I imagine most people have seen the movie and have an idea about how it's going to turn out but the TV show was pretty great TV.
But what's going on with Nancy Kerrigan's eyebrows? It looks kind of off or the coincidence of her eyebrow line and shadow from her brow makes it look kind of weird in that particular photo.
I tried rewatching Person of Interest and the case of the week episodes in the first season and a half just don't hold up for a binge rewatch. I was pretty keen to watch when I had to wait a week to see what would happen but progress on the serialized stuff was a slow burn for a long time in the middle of season…
The Mon-El episodes of Supergirl after the last crossover/musical killed my enthusiasm for the show.
They did something like this on Hannibal and revealed the finale fight on the very first episode of the season and I was both shocked and riveted.
Just from the photos, Joan was still quite striking at the time of the Baby Jane movie (much more beautiful than Jessica Lange), though old Olivia De Haviland/Catherine Zeta Jones appeared to be pulling a Dorian Gray since my recollection is they didn't attempt to age her up in the last chronological appearance..
The least spoilery thing I can reveal is satire/mystery about a movie studio head set in 1980's with a cast of what seems like most of Hollywood.
I swear I recognize the halls of the Henry VII palace from the last BBC production of the Shakespeare history plays.
Heavily fictionalized like The Artist, Hail Caesar, The Last Tycoon or based on real people like Trumbo, The Aviator or is modern OK like The Player.
OK, got 30 minutes in and this movie is still not connecting with me. How about you?
Yeah, it looks like there are a lot of surviving relatives and some of them get money and some of them are involved in the Henrietta Lacks Foundation that *Skloot* started with part of her first book royalty check, but not all of the family members get the money and credit they want. Skloot also says she made sure…