
The only problem with this theory is that announcing a large bomb is about to go off is not the way to get cops (or anyone else) into the area. At most, the cops would have used a standoff device like a robot.

If ever there was a car that screamed “Bubba”, it’s a Monte Carlo. 

Nothing dumber than a “performance truck”...

which happened to be red, in the case you were confused by all the words.”

British Damon Young in 1941: Gee, hope Hitler doesn’t get syphilis...

and for once the govt. is trying not to force the private sector to pick up the costs of supporting morons?”

As regards the ethics of trading in the car without stating the issues, just trade the car in to a VW dealer!  They represent the maker of the car with the issue, let them handle it...

Black people being shot?  Just politics, amirite?

Oh yeah, so all people who are anti-fascism are now “violent terrorists?”  The website doesn’t allow me to state just what you are.

What is the payload capacity of that VW and what did they have to do to the suspension in order to get it to F150 levels?

I hate it and I am against all you do!!!!111!!!1!

LOL “found themselves”!  As if he was just driving along, minding his own f-ing business...

Saw this on the news and I wondered who in their right mind would put their beloved car in this situation?

It’s a mustang, so it still looks like something a middle-aged divorcee is driving. Oh, and “racing” in a straight line is boring...

My former next-door-neighbor had a son who had a meth problem.  He was actually a very helpful neighbor...

Must be just another bunch of “bad apples”, amirite?


Perhaps using a diary would be better next time, Bill”

ND for me too, although I admit I bought my Mini only 2k after it had the engine rebuilt.  It didn’t bother me since I knew the shop that did the rebuild and the prior owner was meticulous in his record-keeping.

a second officer who responded to assist approached the teens’ car from the front.”