If their intentions weren’t nefarious and were actually about supporting women, I could support this. But for Republicans, it’s never about supporting women. Ever.
If their intentions weren’t nefarious and were actually about supporting women, I could support this. But for Republicans, it’s never about supporting women. Ever.
Yeah this also will result in more “fathers” killing pregnant women, which btw is already the leading cause of death for pregnant women https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/#:~:text=October%2021%2C%202022%20%E2%80%93%20Women%20in,Chan%20School%20of…
Even the Chewbacca defence beats the ‘shit happens’ defence.
Hopefully this helps in some meaningful way. I don’t live in NYC (I’m in Boston), and I think I speak for a lot of olds on here that getting good women’s healthcare in general is hit or miss at best, and I am white. It’s not so much that people can’t say vagina as much as doctors literally will not listen to you. I…
i agree with the idea of focusing on what you have not what you lack. not because of any kind of woo, but because it is motivating rather than depressing.
Patriarchy and guns are inherently linked in the US.
Didn’t a guy also intentionally drive his whole family off a cliff in his Tesla in California in an attempted murder/suicide?
That interview made me scream laughing. Harrison Ford is generally pretty reserved in interviews and Alison* Hammond just destroyed his brick wall with a sledgehammer of charisma and charm. She’s hilarious.
JFC... it just goes to show how much time these people have on their hands. I suppose one could counter-protest saying that CVS providing antiparasitic drugs are denying the right to life of roundworms.
Being “doting” is not indication of a good parent. Sometimes it just means showing up and spoiling the kids but not being around for actual parenting especially the hard stuff.
Now that shit is bananas.
I expect this to be like the 40+ votes to repeal Obamacare. It’s all performative.
Princess Diana is the ultimate pretty white lady who is untouchable because she’s dead, but that still doesn’t change the fact that...
I’ve been avoiding this story but I guess I’m done with that.
It’s ironic sad that it will be easier to take away the lady’s child than her gun.
Every single dish described here sounds fucking disgusting.
I’m going to take stab in the dark and assume Mr. Chef doesn’t live in a modest house in the suburbs, where his children attend a public school.
Saw it with the railroads and seeing it now with this: It is categorically insane that we let the motive for private profit dictate operational decisions in industries that are crucial for the health and safety of Americans (in the case of nursing) and for the American economy (in the case of railroads). Who is…
Everyone knows that the president of Romania is George Santos