
The neighbor next to me has been renovating their home for the better part of a year now (and I’ve had the pleasure of hearing every minute of it) and the one across the street is a misogynist and pyromaniac.  Forced socialization with them would only result in bloodshed.

I think the real question is who uses their real name in a dating app?

I’m guessing nothing you could find on Klobuchar could come close to the behavior of the current shitstain in office. Maybe check your priorities?  

If Trump gave a fuck about his legacy or prospects of re-election he’d be pushing for this. It’s like the Ben Carson of legislative wins. Hide behind it to pretend you care about diversity/equality. But this is Trump we are talking about so....

The movie also includes footage of Judy Garland performing “Down with Love.” Just one more thing to love about this movie.

Wilkie is a POS but this culture of denial and retaliation is nothing new for VA.  

At least we have his imminent demise to look forward to.  

Ugh, is this another Jez story that tries to spin something largely regressive into #empowerment? This is the kind of stuff that makes me massively eye-roll “sex-positive” feminism.

Seems this “friend” needs to go find another person who’s willing to let him couch surf at their place.  No reason you shouldn’t be able to live in your own home because of this asshole.  Does your husband know he spoke to you like that?  He should be the one that asks him to leave.  Men need to correct the shitty

You are a better person than me for trying to reason with her all this time.  The die-hard trumpers are too broken to be fixed in my opinion. 

You and me both. My father still thinks Penn State was unnecessarily punished by the NCAA. On what planet does eligibility for bowls get priority over child rape?

I’ll see your Cheese Heads and raise you a Steelers and/or Penn State fan.  Obnoxious.

Agreed. Interestingly neither this nor the CNN report linked include a link to the actual journal article. Gee I wonder why?

My chonker threatens to eat me when he’s really hungryI have no doubt my remains will be consumed.

Wish I had more stars to give this.

I just spent the last 2 hours having my partner explain how shrooms may (and then later getting concerned that shrooms may not) help my mental health issues despite me never bringing this particular subject up in the first place. I guess I can’t be happy on his terms without drugs is the take home message. So, happy

That is the only reason to wear those glasses.  Bravo!

Chiropractors have been a godsend to me for the things they are actually trained to do: spinal adjustments and working with muscle tissue. The problem is when they think they are a cure all and drift into quack territory.

Agreed! Keto and paleo converts are some of the preachiest folks I’ve encountered (followed closely by vegans). I had a chiropractor tell me he could fix chronic lung issues with spinal adjustments and a strict paleo diet. I told him to fuck off with that dangerous nonsense.

Trump sent a memo to federal employees touting all the (2) ways he has helped them in 2019 (you know, when he isn’t demonizing their integrity). Both of which where championed by the democrats (general pay increase and paid family leave). If this isn’t an attempt to get a demographic that has strongly encouraged