
I have zero trust that men would take this medication correctly so I wouldn’t bet my reproductive freedom on it.   They’d have to create an IUD version for dudes.  At the same time I’m all for sharing the fun side effects of hormonal BCs with the male population. Male contraceptives seem odd to me given how easy

It would be nice if medication wasn’t the default for all things mental health unless it’s deemed necessary or asked for explicitly by the patient. That goes for healthcare in general as well.

I think a good segment of the couples therapy market perpetuate this shit too. Processing sexual issues often turns to household burdens/chores. Makes no sense to me but I also don’t think doing chores are worthy of more than a ‘thank you’ or other verbal acknowledgment. That shit isn’t foreplay.

Hi there. Congrats on being willing to seek help. It’s not easy to take that first step.

Poor Guthrie. The chonker I adopted a few years ago bit me the first time I met him in the shelter. I never blame the cat when that happens since I assume they’ve been through some traumatic shit.  

Agreed. I should have clarified that I’m mostly referring to the undergrad-grad group. Full-time grad students were insufferable though. 

Grad students. Early on I learned to weed them out of my online dating meet ups. No money or real world skills.  I usually just paid for my half the the drinks and GTFO.

I think voice acting is a bit of a gray area - different skill set all together and cartoons have a lot of non-human characters. One of the most iconic cartoon characters, Bart Simpson, is voiced by a woman.

Hopefully this triggers a larger streak of old conservative white guy deaths.

Ugh can the anti-vaxxers just die of preventable diseases all ready?

...I’ve found black cats to be exceptionally intelligent and affectionate creatures.

Was he more referring to dish soap and hand soap being equivalent? My younger self refused to buy both and just used dish soap. 

Mirena is the culprit in my situation as well.  Same issue, had 2 week long periods for the first 6 months.  Then came the horrendous acne and mood swings.  I’m surprised I made it almost 2 years before considering removal.

Thanks for the advice. I can do BC pills just fine. It’s when I have progestin only BC that my body says “hell no”.  I knew this going in but my gyn pushed for an IUD.  Live and learn, I guess.

Wow, you are a stronger person than I. No way I’m getting another one placed!

I’m having my IUD taken out (3 years early) next week. I finally hit my breaking point with the acne and mood side effects. I alternate between feeling relieved by the decision and angry that I let my gyn talk me into getting an IUD in the first place. The device insertion was one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienc

Nate Silver lost my confidence after the 2016 election but, then again, a lot of things lost my confidence after 2016 (white women, Millennials, common sense, humanity, etc.).

Anyone have experience taking spironolactone for adult acne? Is it safe/what side effects did you experience? I’ve had an IUD for over 1.5 years now that has wreaked havoc on my skin that topical options can’t properly control. I’m a little reluctant to take a pill with known side effects for something as stupid as

I’ll say it, it’s a shame the guy didn’t off himself a lot sooner and save everyone some time and trauma. I know that’s mean but the world really could use fewer men like him. 

I’m sorry you went through that. I think a lot of couples therapists are a bit simplistic in their views of what helps/hinders sexual desire in long-term relationships. Some people just have low sex drives (for reasons that may be physical and/or psychology in nature) and some people are on the spectrum of asexual