
Yes to all grievances listed above. I’ll also add: why are most tops cut assuming women have 1980's shoulder pad-like frames? They do not fit right when you have small shoulders and end up slumping forward showing way too much cleavage for a work appropriate garment.

Those bigly words don’t just write themselves.

Congrats! There is a weird satisfaction that comes from peeing with the door open.  Although for some reason my cats feel compelled to check out the festivities.

Eh, fuck him. Reclaim your time and don’t give his bullshit an ounce of your energy. He’ll be someone else’s problem soon enough anyway.  These dickweeds aren’t worth it.

Nah, she’s just biding her time until the daily cheeseburgers (or something else) kill him.

There’s a special place in hell for people like Alex Jones and his minions.

I overall like her and her message but the reality is the Bernie-boosters aren’t doing so well in their primaries. I think she needs to see the country outside her liberal bubble more and, you know, also win a general election before proclaiming to know all the answers. That was the biggest issue I had with Bernie too

Still better than the religious inspirational wall art (but not by much). My father’s ex-wife was one of those. I came home from college one day it looked like tacky Jesus took a dump in our living room.

I’m a little late to this thread but wanted to chime in. You are 25 and (in my personal opinion) too young to be worrying about getting married. I didn’t really know who I was at that age. I’m a decade older than you and have been delaying marriage with my SO until I work through all my hang ups (or decide it isn’t

This is purely anecdotal but I’ve mostly observed white male baby boomers as the primary audience for this kind of crap. 

It can be two things.

Whatever. [plays world’s smallest violin]

And not one of those wimpy months like May! A manly month, damn it!

Hey Guys - are you getting tired of that same old White Male Privilege(tm)? Do you yearn for the sweet, sweet feeling of oppression? Why should women have all the fun? Become an MRA.

When I informed my SO the first words out of his mouth were “What’s HPV?”.  Ah, to be a dude and blissfully ignorant of the diseases passed along.

Meh, take their money. Then give every cent of it to scholarships for POC. Make those dumbasses support the very people they are trying to oppress. I doubt Amazon is that wily but one can dream.

I might actually watch this.

So, no Nutter Butter flavored condoms for you, huh?

Boo-fucking-hoo for that supposed nun who didn’t want to do her job. I don’t get to claim some religious exemption as a convenient way to avoid doing my job, nor should any one choosing to work in the healthcare field.

Seriously. At a minimum they could choose one of the many specialties in the healthcare industry where their supposed “morality” won’t be burdened. Do the job or GTFO.