
Was Ariana Grande a surprise? Regardless of how we feel about her as a persona/diva, I thought we all generally understood that she’s an impressive singer. There are more than a few acapella recordings that her team regularly publish to remind everyone of the fact, given her actual music doesn’t always tend to

Oooooh, saucy! Will warn it’ll look a little washed-out on a grass-landscape and might be a tad too breezy for a beach-setting. Also - about as close as we’ll ever get to a Outlander cross-over me-thinks.


Maybe there is a rule that 3 eye ravens can’t divulge useful information unless directly asked? Maybe he has tons of stuff he wants to say, but nobody will ask the question. It’s so frustrating he has to drug himself up most of the day to avoid exploding with frustration.

Given the impact of Jon Snow’s butt, I’d say they made the correct choice.