
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me…

Actually they still like him in Pennsylvania, apart from the victims of Sandusky and their families.

Blow something anyway.

That should be Trump's epitaph on his gravestone.

We used to have someone here called Mary Whitehouse. She would complain to the BBC every time they showed something "naughty." Of course she was protecting the common man or woman who didn't have her upstanding Christian principles, you understand. She wasn't just waiting for Auntie Beeb to start showing her knickers.

Are we talking about individuals or are we talking about as a class?

I think the issue is that you assume that people don't have problems unless they belong to one of your favoured client groups or better still, fall into an intersection of two or more such groups. Then they are brave, virguous, deserving, etc. If they are straight, white males they must ipso facto be more powerful

That's an interesting one. What I would say is that in the progressive worldview, the acquisition of virtue even by purely historical oppression must lead directly to "corrective" privilege to atone for this injustice. Instead of the root of all evil being lust, or greed or any other of the Christian "seven deadly

I'm the snowflake? I thought I was having a go at them. You know, parody.

Liberal= "Live how you want, where you want, believe in what you want- as long as it doesn't stop others living how and where they want."

He sees Islam as an ideology rather than simply an identity. All religions are ideologies- even the FSM anti-religion ideology. If I agree with the ideology, then I join or remain within the religion, in my case the RCs. If I don't, I should be perfectly free to criticise it.

It was supposed to be.