
Rouge Spear.

It was better than when X-Files did a VR episode. Man, that episode was awful.

I really didn't care for Runaways, but there's a pet raptor and Princess Powerful, so I'd rent it at least.

"These belonged to your great-great grandmother. I was

Duncan Jones. Bowie's greatest creation? Zowie, Ziggy or Aladdin? Who would you let live in a post-apocalyptic dystopian game-show?

Agreed. Someone please duct-tape a couple hundred million dollars to a copy of Rendezvous with Rama and send it to Duncan Jones.

How ... How does the "Lithotome" work?

I'm still waiting for the Hellboy/Buffy crossover.

Heck, Wuthering Heights even translated well to flag semaphore. I'm sure it would work as a game as well.

Not to worry. In a few years we will send all networks executives will be sent to another planet along with the rest of the middle men, hairdressers and telephone cleaners.