
The wasp story was made up after the fact. On video he admits hitting the motorcycle and said... “I don’t care... it was a double yellow line.” I.e. Attempted murder.

many places have minimums as well. as well as the catch-all driving unsafe for conditions, which driving 20 under could be considered.

No, no, no, no, NO! Do not wish ill upon other people. Even if they are total douchecanoes. That is how the cycle continues to perpetuate itself. Weren’t you listening to your Mama when she taught you right from wrong?


I doubt he was going that slow solely because he was inept. Likely he was going slow purposely to be an ass and provoke “those gull-durn kids on their fancy-pants furren motor-sickle” into passing like that so he can self-justify his dickishness.

I agree! More years ago than I care to count, I was one of two female riders in Michigan. Though it didn’t always happen, there were many times vehicles would intentionally swerve to hit me, scare me, intimidate me. When my girls were learning to drive, I repeated to them until I was blue that they’d best respect the

I doubt you would get Attempted Murder: Probably Vehicular assault or Aggravate Assault. The motorcyclist would likely get a ticket for an illegal pass, but that doesn't give a driver license for intentionally hitting someone with a vehicle.

Looks fairly obviously intentional on the video to me.

Attempted murder. It’s that simple. People need to learn that it’s not their job to police others on the road. No it’s not oaky to attack people with your car. Free pass to jail and a lifetime ban on driving. He’s lucky the riders are alive.

OK, shouldn’t have overtaken there but there is NEVER a legit reason for knocking a biker off their bike. That piece of shit deserves attempted murder charges. He knew he was gonna hit them, did he think they would just be ok after being hit by a car? No, he wanted to hurt them and they could have died. Absolutely

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

I’m surprised that the asshole driver even stopped.