A. Nonie Meus

It’s striking to me how these news stories come out claiming that oh, Ivanka tried to stop it! Sober-minded GOP Senators had private words with his staff! And it really hits me that none of those things are actually happening, and nobody who is realistically thought of as close to the President is even trying to steer

NJT is a horror show. I grew up in NJ, and a decade ago NJT was lauded for its good service and it was expanding, adding double decker trains, etc. Then Chris Christie got elected. Now, kind of all the sudden, it’s one of the worst of the many sl0w-motion transit catastrophes in the metro area (see also the NYC

NJT is awful. Just for daily riders, they cancel trains because workers call in sick and they can’t find replacements. Think about that. An entire train gets canceled because someone calls in sick. At one point, it was happening every Monday morning for a month.

There’s always a tweet.

Barstool offered him a job as Chief Barstool Officer. 

“The History Channel crossed with Cinemax” nails the bizarre tonal mismatch I felt trying to watch this series. I like history. I don’t mind costume dramas. I don’t even mind bodice rippers. But I wasn’t expecting Alexandra Romanov (by most accounts an extremely conservative Lutheran in her upbringing) to go

I’ve always found it curious how the Romanoff family has been romanticized over the last 75 years. Obviously the full-whitewashing went into high gear during the cold war (authoritarian monarchy was preferable to reds!), and was ramped up with Anastasia (1956), though even that film knew to take a very cynical

What’s selling it for me right now is the bitchy, racist old lady. That was only episode one. Try it out! Does your dimension have those flying horses too? They’re awesome except they tend to poop while in flight...

The Athletic released a statement saying Keri has been indefinitely suspended.

Oh my god I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS and then I started it and suddenly this dude was being interviewed and I was like WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING and honestly it ruined everything for me, but I’m glad you enjoyed it. 

THOSE are the women I want to hear from. Those are the women we need to reach (if that is even possible).

In a shocking twist, no I didn’t.

I come here every day to read funny and insightful comments, so I guess we’re both pretty disappointed.

Just pay for the beer next time, man.

Yeah, pretending that the makeup of this panel is in any way representative is super disingenuous and misleading. Somewhere around 47% of white women voted for Trump, once you exclude the wildly inaccurate exit polling that the 53% number gets drawn from. That’s still bad. But let’s not pretend that these women

His handlers knew the anti Hillary chant just made trump look old and stupid so he created a new evil woman and a chant to suit his hatred of her. A strategy that works.

Another position (which is the one I run into with my Trump-voting female coworker) is that they stay willfully ignorant of the news. They act like the current political climate is just “so toxic” and “so complicated” and so irrelevant to their actual lives that they can’t even bother to care. So when asked about

The fact that they are TERRIFIED that they no longer matter is the entire point of Donald-fucking-Trump. So yes, we need to stop arguing and cajoling and attempting to reason with these people and find ways to win in spite of them.

Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,