Alita and her eyes. They changed them and fans were much happier.
Alita and her eyes. They changed them and fans were much happier.
The golden ring of hell.
AFAIK, she’s been tested a lot because of a few factors: her dominance in the sport, her appearance, almost certainly the fact that she is a Black woman and thus viewed by many as more “masculine”, and whining/rumor-peddling by competitors who hate the fact that she beat them.
I agree. I think Jon/Dany are a red herring. Dany is going to end up turning into the Mad Queen — there’s just been too many hints of this for them not to take it anywhere. I think Jon will have to kill Dany in order to save someone he loves from her wrath. Then he’ll either mopily retire or die doing something…
No thank you. I’ve had enough BS today.
Look into what kind of institution Baylor is.
Judging by where most of the women are holding their hands, they seem to have a stout defensive plan against the grabber-in-chief.
She coaches at Baylor. She’s probably one of his voters.
i assume the board made them. This school legit used to be run by Ken Starr until he had to step down for covering up rampant sexual abuse
I’m not sure if you’re serious but I agree that Sanders/Warren is not a great combo regardless of which one is President. Two 70+ white people from the Northeast who already basically agree on an awful lot of the important stuff is not a ticket I would feel great about voting for.
When”fake news” means anything you don’t like, every truth is a fresh separate”attack”. Oh, the victimhood!
“Discrimination and family-unfriendly policies are among the causes, but research has suggested another influence: “The returns to working long, inflexible hours have greatly increased” in this “winner-take-all economy.”
I’m amazed at how quoting a person’s actual written or spoken words has somehow become “a personal attack.”
I get what you are saying, but I think the reason most people post these sorts of pics on instagram is that they actually do view the food as a kinda-sorta work of art that would photograph well. Like, the purpose of these photos is usually to document something aesthetically pleasing, not necessarily to engage in…
I worked outside Yale for 20 years and lived in the general area since 1997 or so.
charged for racial activities i can get behind.
At least its not ‘racially charged activities’
Pekin Community High School District No. 303 commenced an investigation into allegations that one of its teachers had engaged in racist activities.
This guy is a complete pile of shit, but “Weaponized Mulattoes” is a great name for a band.