A. Nonie Meus

The outdated, racist electoral system elected Trump, but thanks for playing.

She is pretty huge in flyover country.

This is only really true of a handful of elite schools. The UO gets you a great network, particularity if you want to stay in Oregon or the PNW. It’s not necessarily going to get you introduced to the heads of a bunch of NYC hedge funds; you may have to go to Harvard for that. USC does not have the same kind of cache

I agree! That’s what I mean by it being two distinct problems. The fact that a state school costs $17K or more a year is awful. That’s a separate problem from the fact that our country does have many many schools that cost $50K+++ a year, and a lot of them are emphatically not first-rate schools. It simply should not

Really? Because these are just the male candidates, and this is a feminist website known for this trope of humor, which you must enjoy, because here you are.

I once expressed something similar and got a reply that was a frickin essay about how sha had a fabulous career since she made 20 movies in five years, or something like that. Apparently she's kind of a big thing on Lifetime

I have rolled in to the office while wearing my pjs with a coat over them to drop off forgotten items or sign in a kiddo who just missed the bell more times than I can count. Showing up is showing up, we can’t all be ready and having our best day every time an emergency arises. 

Why aren’t leggings and yoga pants out?Why not disallow wet hair if bonnets and caps aren’t allowed?  Why not disallow flip flops or exercise clothing?

The University of Oregon may provide instruction equal to elite private schools, but it does not provide a network equal to it. The reason the wealthy are paying huge bribes to get their failkids into those schools is that those schools provide access to capital, because that is where other rich people are sending

I think there is some general day-to-day awfulness about just being female. The apps just make it easier to be awful. No more waiting for the chance to come upon someone to harass in public; you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Less waiting, more harassing. It’s the American way.

This is what gets me the most.

I’ll forgive the claims of “purity test” as a reaction based out of Trump fear. It’s understandable.

You completely glossed over every point made ranging from the fact that the act included in the crime bill didn’t make women safer to the fact that POC are disproportionately incarcerated to make your “TL;DR” comment:

None of Diana’s posts are “TL” and if you “DR” for the love of fuck, don’t comment.

I looked at the average salary of an adjunct college professor and measured it against the cost of a PhD in my field. Boston U was offering a 2 year MFA, which is also terminal. I chose BU and the MFA. What I didn’t know at the time was that most colleges prefer hiring people with experience in the field over people

The fucking hindsight is 20/20 going on in these responses is mind-blowing.

$17K/year @ a state school (tuition & fees) plus cost of living adds up pretty quickly over four years, especially after you tack on a 6.8% interest rate!

I don’t mean to imply that you made a bad decision, but it’s hard for me to understand complaints about debt from people who chose to put a ton of effort into applying for and then attending astronomically expensive schools. Like, it feels like two distinct problems. There’s the fact that the University of Oregon

I met my wife on OK Cupid and both of us were damn near ready to bail on dating apps by that point for every reason you have listed. They are a plague on our world but sometimes it works out.

If you are a gay guy who is mainly looking for sex, these apps are like the best thing ever created. Yeah there’s still jerks and weirdos, but it’s a real efficient way to get people together.