A. Nonie Meus

....and the chances this guy has not raped anyone are real slim

“Loser” = bruised ego = hurt masculinity

ding ding ding

I’m sorry, this take is too nuanced, you are going to have to produce an emotional screed about how this proves that women are just as bad as men and also somehow this proves #MeToo was all made up 

Yeah, being on background doesn’t mean that if someone gives you a pretty clear tip on unrelated criminal activity, you just don’t pursue it. 

Well, I’ve read Ivanhoe and I’m even a millennial. I even kind of liked it. I know you are joking but it irks me when academics shit on each other’s interests. Adjuncts like you are the underclass and the system needs you to be divided, and seemingly inconsequential stuff like this does that work for them.

Conversations about rich white women should always include lots of emoji!!

And we all know what a devoted Christian and excellent role model our current president is. There is some serious sickness going on in some people’s minds.

I was going to add something about how ~95% of people who went to Harvard go to great lengths not to tell anybody about it unless directly asked, but I thought it might be too much. At least my screen name is anonymous! (Also, I kind of give Douthat a pass if this mention was literally in the middle of a book about

I worked some years ago for one organization that had some issues with a new artistic director, and rather than simply do the right thing in the somewhat complicated situation, they sunk into a multi-year swamp of lying and half-measures. Eventually they ran out of gangplank and had to fire the artistic director AND

umm citation for “those that do shoot people generally have mental illness” not found in source 

Can you eat them though

I say this only because you kind of brought it up, but I went to college with this guy and was one year behind him. He now now looks like my father’s out-of-shape older brother. I am always surprised to see HS/college classmates who haven’t aged well, but Douthat is really in a class by himself.

It is so, so obvious to me that this is exactly what’s going to happen. 

The most interesting thing about this, to me, is what it reveals about their utterly broken business model. Their annual budget is so precarious that their fear of pissing off even a single important donor/funder (let alone having a big messy scandal in the press) drives them to make laughably bad decisions. 

lol citation needed oh my goodness

I am genuinely surprised there haven’t been some carefully edited videos stringing together evidence of his senility. It wouldn’t be hard to make one, and it wouldn’t be surprising for such a thing to go viral and maybe even be covered by the mainstream media.

A big chunk of our politicians (especially older ones) and even the electorate is people who are basically “in the middle” but yet identify extremely strongly with one pole or the other and hardly even recognize the paradox.

I was writing a comment making this same point, but then I realizes a lot of people’s romantic lives were probably fucked up because their parents/pastors/authority figures made them read this book, not because they necessarily chose it for themselves. 

I guarantee that you are correct. There is no way he doesn’t have another grift cooking, probably right this minute.