I was genuinely expecting that this was going to be the punchline of this post
I was genuinely expecting that this was going to be the punchline of this post
If you think about the opposite poles - asshole lawyers gleefully defending rapists and forcing pornography screenings at college dormitories to make a point about “prior restraint,” etc, VS lawyers generally unwilling to defend unpopular people accused of ugly crimes and unwilling to pull stunts to expand the bounds…
Yes because past behavior should not be used as an indicator of future behavior in politics and politics only
My mind boggles at the performance of “some people like this! Don’t be so sensitive! Why should I have to remember to ask permission?”
I’m around your age and I had friends in college who used to break out into “Top That” in the dining hall on a ... fairly regular basis
LOL I kept thinking... this is what establishment republicans think we’re just going to slide right back to after Trump is gone
You aren’t relying on yourself when you get a loan from a bank either, you fucking idiot
Yes, it is. You have to carry a baby for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 9 months, and there is an incredibly complex host of things that can go wrong (up to and including your death) and a long list of side effects and after effects even of trouble-free pregnancies. I recognize that, particularly in the legal…
As distasteful as it is, I can’t help but compare surrogacy to prostitution, but not in the way Dworkin does. They both represent conflicting goals - acknowledging a woman’s bodily autonomy, but also protecting vulnerable people from being taken advantage of. The best way to do this is with a comprehensive,…
It is really a mindfuck to think about the differences between the Ken Starr approach and the Robert Mueller approach to these kinds of tasks. I kind of wish the house had appointed a partisan hack with hazy ethical standards, but nooooo, we’re supposed to “take government seriously.”
It’s almost as though he never had any intention for this to happen
What was all this I kept hearing about how tons of conservative MPs would flee the party, possibly even enough to lose their majority, rather than serve under him?
Because lots of people . . . willingly give these folks some chunk of their 20 minutes?
On top of that, the disordered thought process is right there on display - an inability to recognize an obviously satirical article, a predisposition to assume patently absurd accusations are true when they are made against your “opponent,” a willingness to share material he had clearly not read very closely, etc. We…
Even if the GOP were in the minority and the democrats could pass such a thing, the law enforcement unions would flip their shit and those people do not back down no matter what the politicians (or ironically, the law) say.
You are literally the first person who has acknowledged that a lot of Tyson’s performance online is “spouting knowledge in a consumable, jesting fashion.” Like, this post is what he does. Why does it make people so mad? He isn’t the secretary of education. He is a pop-culture commentator, focused on some very specific…
Not sure why you are upset about “myriad of.” You can find examples of that from 200 years ago. Why let that one peeve you? We all have these sorts of lists but they rarely withstand scrutiny.
Don’t forget about his burning desire to silence everyone who disagrees with him!
My husband’s mother convinced him as a 10 year old that if you watched a dog poop, you could get pinkeye. Evidently this was a common wives tale in the family.
It is a day that ends in ‘y’, so we have another article about how Democrats are flubbing 2020 by not doing exactly what Hillary Clinton did in 2016, which, as we all know, worked.