A. Nonie Meus

lol citation needed oh my goodness

I am genuinely surprised there haven’t been some carefully edited videos stringing together evidence of his senility. It wouldn’t be hard to make one, and it wouldn’t be surprising for such a thing to go viral and maybe even be covered by the mainstream media.

Do you . . . really not understand that people say and do private things in their own homes, often out loud? Is this some kind of effort to spin this around as being everyone’s fault except the corporations? I really don’t believe your feigned ignorance of how awful this is. 

A big chunk of our politicians (especially older ones) and even the electorate is people who are basically “in the middle” but yet identify extremely strongly with one pole or the other and hardly even recognize the paradox.

I was writing a comment making this same point, but then I realizes a lot of people’s romantic lives were probably fucked up because their parents/pastors/authority figures made them read this book, not because they necessarily chose it for themselves. 

I guarantee that you are correct. There is no way he doesn’t have another grift cooking, probably right this minute. 

I was genuinely expecting that this was going to be the punchline of this post 

....I don’t...

If you think about the opposite poles - asshole lawyers gleefully defending rapists and forcing pornography screenings at college dormitories to make a point about “prior restraint,” etc, VS lawyers generally unwilling to defend unpopular people accused of ugly crimes and unwilling to pull stunts to expand the bounds

Yes because past behavior should not be used as an indicator of future behavior in politics and politics only 

My mind boggles at the performance of “some people like this! Don’t be so sensitive! Why should I have to remember to ask permission?” 

I’m around your age and I had friends in college who used to break out into “Top That” in the dining hall on a ... fairly regular basis

LOL I kept thinking... this is what establishment republicans think we’re just going to slide right back to after Trump is gone

You aren’t relying on yourself when you get a loan from a bank either, you fucking idiot

Yes, it is. You have to carry a baby for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 9 months, and there is an incredibly complex host of things that can go wrong (up to and including your death) and a long list of side effects and after effects even of trouble-free pregnancies. I recognize that, particularly in the legal

As distasteful as it is, I can’t help but compare surrogacy to prostitution, but not in the way Dworkin does. They both represent conflicting goals - acknowledging a woman’s bodily autonomy, but also protecting vulnerable people from being taken advantage of. The best way to do this is with a comprehensive,

Why engage dude 

People always want to bring this discussion back to “human nature.” I still believe human nature is fundamentally good. The problem is, these sites are ideally designed to be hijacked by the worst people, and the rest of us sit around watching like it’s a car crash, and all the sudden everything is focused on what the

It is really a mindfuck to think about the differences between the Ken Starr approach and the Robert Mueller approach to these kinds of tasks. I kind of wish the house had appointed a partisan hack with hazy ethical standards, but nooooo, we’re supposed to “take government seriously.”

It’s almost as though he never had any intention for this to happen