A. Nonie Meus

What was all this I kept hearing about how tons of conservative MPs would flee the party, possibly even enough to lose their majority, rather than serve under him? 

Because lots of people . . . willingly give these folks some chunk of their 20 minutes?

On top of that, the disordered thought process is right there on display - an inability to recognize an obviously satirical article, a predisposition to assume patently absurd accusations are true when they are made against your “opponent,” a willingness to share material he had clearly not read very closely, etc. We

Even if the GOP were in the minority and the democrats could pass such a thing, the law enforcement unions would flip their shit and those people do not back down no matter what the politicians (or ironically, the law) say.

You are literally the first person who has acknowledged that a lot of Tyson’s performance online is “spouting knowledge in a consumable, jesting fashion.” Like, this post is what he does. Why does it make people so mad? He isn’t the secretary of education. He is a pop-culture commentator, focused on some very specific

Not sure why you are upset about “myriad of.” You can find examples of that from 200 years ago. Why let that one peeve you? We all have these sorts of lists but they rarely withstand scrutiny.

Don’t forget about his burning desire to silence everyone who disagrees with him!

My husband’s mother convinced him as a 10 year old that if you watched a dog poop, you could get pinkeye. Evidently this was a common wives tale in the family.

It is a day that ends in ‘y’, so we have another article about how Democrats are flubbing 2020 by not doing exactly what Hillary Clinton did in 2016, which, as we all know, worked.

we’re looking at a $1,075 sneaker

It’s striking to me how these news stories come out claiming that oh, Ivanka tried to stop it! Sober-minded GOP Senators had private words with his staff! And it really hits me that none of those things are actually happening, and nobody who is realistically thought of as close to the President is even trying to steer

NJT is a horror show. I grew up in NJ, and a decade ago NJT was lauded for its good service and it was expanding, adding double decker trains, etc. Then Chris Christie got elected. Now, kind of all the sudden, it’s one of the worst of the many sl0w-motion transit catastrophes in the metro area (see also the NYC

The plumped up lips are the most manipulated thing here, by far. I actually don’t think it looks like they did anything at all to her brow but maybe I just don’t see it.

I am not saying I necessarily believe this, but people will argue that the seemingly unimportant things like the specific language we use are ultimately preventing the large scale change, because we need to examine the underpinnings of everything, including the stuff we just let pass us by without noticing, in order

I still feel like the categories are subtly different when the man in question is a POC, vs a handsome white guy (and in some ways, a handsome white guy vs a less handsome/poor/etc guy). Like, even in Canada I’m not totally sure if Prachur Shrivastava benefits as much from this type of defense, unless he’s a

I edited it right away! I’m still right!

Yes, what did he do to deserve this terrible 5-week ordeal mainly in front of a green screen and an editing bay that will net him a half a million smackers

It’s really remarkable to me how widespread these FLAT OUT CRAZY ideas are. My history teacher in HS, who was beloved and widely seen around school as a genius, spent a huge amount of energy trying to convince my AP History course that the civil war was not ultimately about slavery. You could kind of tell he beat that

Lots of genocidal maniacs and totalitarians have been effective wielders of political power and have understood how to get it and maintain it, up to and including supervising fraudulent elections, which we are dancing on the edge of in a way people don’t fully appreciate. I mean, your basic point is correct I guess,

Big pharma maximizing profits over health is not a conspiracy theory, it’s a sober understanding of reality that can at times be hysterical. Sometimes “both sides” are not “the same.